“Planting trees in Jordan not only adds an aesthetic character to our home, but also has a significant role in combating global warming as a whole. We will play for Life On Land at the GGWCUP”
Overall Champion GGWCUP Jordan 2021.
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“Planting trees in Jordan not only adds an aesthetic character to our home, but also has a significant role in combating global warming as a whole. We will play for Life On Land at the GGWCUP”
Overall Champion GGWCUP Jordan 2021.
Read More“We will play for Goal 17, because we believe all the Goals are interconnected, and we want to work together to reach them and make our community better.”
Read More“As a team we work with refugee youth, we have experienced gender inequality both on a professional and personal level. Therefore this makes Goal 5 very important and relatable for us.”
Read More“We play for Gender Equality, because many young girls will dare to dream when they see female role models within the leadership."
Read More“We have adopted Goal 5 and Gender Equality, because women deserve to have a voice in society, they deserve to be heard because we know that women are the backbone of all communities.”
Read More“Global Goal 8 is important to us, because as grandmothers and mothers we are frustrated by the fact that some of our children and grandchildren don't have decent jobs.”
Read More“The Soccer Divas will play for Goal 3 in Uganda on March 8th to celebrate women health and promote that women from all walks of life should have access to medical care and physical activities to prevent and treat disease like Breast Cancer.”
Read More“We want to prevent early marriage, pregnancy and keep girls in school through teamwork & rights-based learning. Goal 5!”
Read MoreWe play for Global Goal 3, because we want to promote girls and women’s physical activity engagement in Kenya - and throughout Africa. We are everything sports!
Read More“One of the key objectives for the company is to continue to build a sustainability mindset and raise awareness on the social, economic and environmental issues that face society and the importance of aligning our business objectives to society’s challenges.”
Read More“When the idea of the GGWCup was introduced to us, there was a high turnout among girls to register despite their lack of football experience. However, our love and passion for marine life and the sea was greater than any hindrance.”
Read MoreA total of 34 teams have qualified to participate in the GGWCup and are representing a variety of entities, including large local and regional corporations, local foundations, universities, NGOs and teams of women from refugee camps hosting Syrian and Palestinian refugees and refugees living in Jordan’s host community.
Read More“We are driven by the conviction to change human behavior to better our community – pushing to any lengths to do good. We will be playing for Goal 12.”
Read More“It is our responsibility as a bank is to lower our carbon and waste footprint as much as possible. We will play for Goal 12.”
Read More“Partnership empower local communities to make changes. We saw this in 2019 when the initiative Himmeh w Lammeh started. Partnerships linked every stakeholder together for a nation wide goal and involved the local communities on the ground. We will play for Goal 17.”
Read More“We play for Goal 3 because we want to improve communities’ quality of life, by raising the health awareness, educating the public to live in good health and well-being.”
Read More“We play for Goal 2 because we want to give school children the best chance for healthy development. In 2020 the Health Kitchen Project will reach 57,000 students and 283 schools from Kindergarten to 6th grade.”
Read More“Goal 12 is important to our team became as individuals we feel a sense of responsibility towards our environment and are aware of the urgency of the matter on our future and life on earth. We will support this goal individual and as an organization.”
Read More“Goal 13 is important to our team became as individuals we feel a sense of responsibility towards our environment and are aware of the urgency of the matter on our future and life on earth. We will support this goal individual and as an organization.”
Read More“We play for Goal 4, because we believe that education have always been a sensitive matter to all people and especially to us as we believe everyone deserves an opportunity to receive good education.”
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