Team Goal Diggers
GGWCUP Jordan 2021
Team Goal Diggers will play for Global Goal 3
This team is from the pharmaceutical world and work at MS Pharma. They want to improve communities’ quality of life, by raising the health awareness, educating the public to live in good health and well-being.
MS Pharma is one of the pioneers moving towards new generation biotechnology and biosimilars as the company has acquired considerable expertise and know-how of the industry across the region. Team Goal Diggers want to take the ball and are inviting co-workers, universities and various stakeholder to wellness days and sessions about how to use medicine most effective.
سيلعب لتحقيق الهدف العالمي3- الصحة الجيدة والرفاه Goal digger فريق
تابع لشركة ام اس فارما وهي عالم من الادوية، يرغبون في تحسين نوعية الحياة. Goal Digger فريق
ام اس فارما هي إحدى الشركات الرائدة التي تتجه نحو الجيل الجديد من التكنولوجيا الحيوية والأنسجة الحيوية حيث اكتسبت الشركة خبرة ومعرفة كبيرة بالقطاع في البلد. يريد الفريق بدعوة زملاء العمل و طلاب الجامعات واصحاب الشركات من مختلف القطاعات الى يوم العناية الصحية وقيام دورات حول كيفية استخدام الدواء الاكثر فعالية
“نحن في شركة ام اس فارما نسعى لتحسين حياة صحية أفضل لمجتمعاتنا، من خلال زيادة نشر الوعي الصحي وتثقيف الأفراد لضمان بيئة صحية مثالية.
We want to improve communities’ quality of life, by raising the health awareness, educating the public to live in good health and well-being. ”
This is how the Team will take action for their Goal
One of our objectives at MS Pharma is to improve our communities’ quality of life, also to raise the health awareness. Therefore, we launched several campaigns to achieve this goal:
The Best Use Of Medicine" session, It is an interaction session by MS Pharma pharmacist team to all our partners, corporate (banks, hotels, insurance companies, private associations) at their premises for their employees. We have a targeted to conduct (4-6 sessions per month) to different organizations, and each session will be conducted by one of our pharmacist team. The Best Use Of Medicine sessions will cover:
What is the medicine and the different dosage forms.
What is safe medicine storage.
How to use the medicine in a right way and things to avoid using medicines in a wrong way.
Precautions and side effects.
Free medical days.
Schools and universities "Health Awareness Days".
Conduct several awareness sessions to our employees.
Social media awareness posts.
هذه هي الطريقة التي سيعمل بها الفريق لتحقيق هدفهم
من أهم أهداف شركتنا هو السعي لتحسين حياة صحية أفضل لمجتمعاتنا، بالاضافة الى زيادة نشر الوعي الصحي. لذلك قمنا باطلاق العديد من الحملات لتحقيق أهدافنا، ومنها
اطلاق حملة "الاستخدام الأمثل للأدوية" ، والتي تستهدف شركاؤنا من مختلف القطاعات والشركات، كالبنوك ، الفنادق ، شركات التأمين و العديد من القطاعات و المؤسسات الخاصة. حيث يقوم أحد من موظفينا الصيادلة بالقاء محاضرة توعوية تثقيفة عن الاستخدام الأمثل للدواء لموظفي الشركات و المؤسسات ، وماهي الأضرار التي تنتج من خلال الاستخدام السيء للدواء
نقوم كل شهر بعقد 4 – 6 محاضرات توعوية للشركات و المؤسسات نغطي من خلالها المواضيع الاتية
تعريف الاشكال الصيدلانية ، تخزين الدواء ، الاستخدام الأمثل للدواء ، الاحتياطات عند استخدام الدواء ، الأعراض الجانبية لأدويتك ، الايام الطبية المجانية ، الحملات التثقيفية و التوعوية في المدارس و الجامعات
الحملات التثقيفية و التوعوية لموظفين الشركة
الحملات التثقيفية و التوعوية عبر صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي
سوف نقوم بتقييم تأثير نشاطاتنا في المجتمع من خلال الأشخاص الذين استفادوا من المحاضرات التوعوية، تفاعل متابعتنا عبر صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي، ومن خلال المستفيدون من الأيام الطبية المجانية
The Team’s activities and uniform
Team have done 1-2 face-face-activities for your Goal and engaged 1,000 people (on social media) to join you in #taketheball.
We initiated a unique awareness campaign “The Best use of medicine” targeting different companies and strategic partners to meet their employees to raise their health awareness about medicine and how to use it in the right way. We organized more than 30 awareness sessions and the attendees were more than 1500 people.
Due to covid-19 pandemic, we stopped this project and we swapped it online through our pharmacist employees through short video tips to highlight on different important topics related to the best use of medicine, we posted them every Friday on our LinkedIn and Instagram platforms.
We organized different sessions to our employees to raise their awareness about certain diseases, such as: Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, World Cancer Day, Corona virus also we organized a Medical day for our employees at our manufacturing site United Pharmaceuticals.
We organized more than 25 virtual sessions with number of doctors in Jordan, GCC, Algeria and Iraq.
We organized a special virtual event “Stay Positive during Corona”, an important session by Salah Amireh to talk about the positivity, we aimed to highlight importance of psychosocial support during times of stress and crisis. in addition to an online YOGA session by Salah Amireh.
In order to help maintain public health and safety, MS Pharma and in collaboration with our strategic partner Injaz has launched new campaign “Schools Sanitation” in Sahab area, whereby we sanitized 13 public schools there.
Ongoing posts related to different tips and awareness posts regarding certain diseases on our social media platforms. along with many awareness Videos on Our Social Media Platforms.
Awareness Videos in Collaboration with many doctors.
We had many projects, but they got canceled because of Covid-19 situation: To reach out public and private schools and give the session “the best use of medicines” to the academic members, teachers, parents. To construct a medical center in Sahab area \ under management approval. To organize medical days in different areas in Jordan, for the past 2 years we did many free medical days with Microfund and other organizations.
Our uniform is simple and comfy. It is not recycled, yet we aimed to support the local small business and printed it through a local printing house.
Cheer for the team. Leave a comment
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Instagram @mspharmacorp, Twitter @MSPharmaJO, and website شاركنا على فيسبوك و موقعنا