In the media
Culture for Impact 2024: Sports
What does it mean to you and the Global Goals World Cup to get on highlighted on the 2024 Culture for Impact List?
Majken Gilmartin: It means a million! Both because for us sport has always been art, so making it on the Culture for Impact List is so cool. But also because lots of our work happens behind the scenes. The Global Goals World Cups are just one part of how we work. We advise, teach, and run working groups with educational institutions, with female veterans, and with UN groups. We also work with governments, sports organizations, play designers, mental health specialists etc. So that UN Live recognises us gives us huge energy and a strong sense of connection. So a huge thank you for shining on us and super looking forward to diving into everyone on the list.
Inspired by Denmark
EIR – Sensational Street Football (website December 2024)
“Founded in 2004, EIR is now a leading global provider of grassroots football for women and a prominent advocate for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Named after the Norse goddess of health, EIR harnesses the power of grassroots football to promote gender equality, health, and opportunities for women. Alongside organising competitive events, EIR incorporates art, fashion and design into its initiatives, creating equipment that supports a safer, more vibrant game.”
Inspired by Denmark is a platform for organisations to share and exchange the best methods of engaging people to move.
GGWCUP Finals Saudi Arabia 2024
Saudi Arabia ‘an emerging sporting nation’ globally: Shaima Al-Husseini Arab News. March 14, 2024. Full article
“The SFA has played a pivotal role in advancing women’s sports in Saudi Arabia, spearheading initiatives to promote inclusivity, empowerment, and participation among female athletes. The number of participations for sports activities for females is now 401,810 per year.
In 2023, our Neighborhood Clubs had 19,962 female memberships out of a total 45,935. The all-female Global Goals World Cup event attracts more than 200 participants, and we see more than 190 attending the women’s days in our SFA domes. Total female participation for the first and second phases of our three-part sports program, aimed at those aged 35-50, is more than 13,000.
And out of more than 1,700 community sports groups, 120 are led by females.
Through targeted programs and strategic partnerships, we’ve created platforms for women to pursue their sporting passions, break barriers, and achieve their full potential.”
GGWCUP Nigeria 2023
Global Goals World Cup Nigeria 2023 Grand Finale: Aisha Falode Champions Football as Catalyst for Sustainable Development December 17, 2023. Full article
Global Goals World Cup Nigeria 2023 Grand Finale; Aisha Falode Emphasizes The Impact Of Football Beyond The Field December 17, 2023. Full article
Global Goals World Cup Nigeria 2023 Grand Finale: Aisha Falode Champions Football as Catalyst for Sustainable Development December 17, 2023. Full article
Global Goals World Cup Nigeria 2023 Grand Finale: Aisha Falode Champions Football as Catalyst for Sustainable Development December 17, 2023. Full article
Global Goals World Cup Nigeria 2023 Grand Finale: Aisha Falode Champions Football as Catalyst for Sustainable Development December 17, 2023. Full article
Detroit City FC to host the new social Impact League
Women in Detroit Make a Difference Through Soccer (December 1, 2023)
The Impact League, a new recreational soccer league for women 18+, is launching in Detroit with a unique focus on social impact. Aligned with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each team in the league is required to design a Purpose Project. The SDGs are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
“Our founding league, the DCFL, was built out with a community service requirement,” said Alex Wright, owner and chief creative officer of Detroit City FC. “We share the Impact League’s commitment to grassroots service, and we believe that soccer makes this possible by bringing people together and hopefully, making a difference in the world.”
GGWCUP Colombia 2023
Gol por la paz: mujeres del Putumayo juegan copa por el Desarrollo Sostenible, April 22, 2023
Siete mujeres viajaron desde Las Vegas, una vereda del Valle de Guamuez, municipio del Putumayo, para jugar la primera Copa Mundial de Fútbol Femenino de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), que ocurrió el 21 y 22 de abril en Medellín. Su propósito era representar el ODS número 16 que habla de la implementación de paz. Gol por la paz: mujeres del Putumayo jugaron primera Copa Mundial del Desarrollo Sostenible …
Copa Mundial de los Objetivos De Desarrollo Sostenible llega por primera a Medellín, April 11, 2023
Por primera vez en Latinoamérica se jugará el Mundial de fútbol oficial de las Naciones Unidas. Recibe el nombre de la “Copa Mundial de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)”, un torneo internacional de fútbol femenino de 5 contra 5, no competitivo, cuya misión es unir el deporte y el impacto sostenible por medio de mujeres de todo el mundo, que crean proyectos de impacto positivo en su entorno, impulsadas por los 17 ODS, usando el fútbol como vehículo para enviar un mensaje de empoderamiento de género alrededor de la Agenda 2030.
Gamechangers who will push the boundaries February 28, 2023
No 11. Majken Gilmartin, Co-Founder and CEO, Global Goals World Cup
Majken Gilmartin's goal is to "find all the ways to get girls and women involved in the world of sports and keep them there." For example, she was the organizer of the world's first soccer training and tournament for refugees in Denmark. As a role model and driver of change, she has made an impressive contribution to developing, promoting and strengthening women's participation in sport, for which she was awarded the IOC Women and Sport Award in 2016.
102 women team up to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Jordan November 29, 2022
AMMAN — For the first time in Jordan, the Global Goal League programme brought together 102 women from various governorates across the Kingdom to learn how to use sports to drive social change.
The league is part of the Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) launched in 2015 by Eir Soccer, a Danish non-profit sports association which targets women and young girls.
The tournament included 42 football teams and 10 basketball teams from 13 regions throughout the Kingdom
The second edition of the Saudi Women’s Global Goals World Cup concluded today, with team Oasis winning first place and qualifying for the World Finals in 2023, taking place in the Czech Republic, Prague. The tournament was hosted by the Saudi Sports for All Federation at the “Sport for All Dome” in Dammam.
The two-day tournament took place on 21 and 22 October and forms part of the Kingdom’s initiatives to transform the county into a global sports hub defined by world-class sports infrastructure and improved sporting performance. The competition also aligns with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 objectives to promote various sporting activities and excellence, which will help the county advance in global sports rankings.
Den aktivistiske fodboldturnering for kvinder Global Goals World Cup løb i august af stablen i Aarhus. Den globale fodboldturnering kombinerer ligestilling for kvinder i fodbold og udbredelse af FN’s 17 Verdensmål.
Klumme: Sport kan forandre verden – hvis vi vover at slippe tanken fri, August 29, 2022
Der er et kæmpe potentiale for at skabe samfundsforandring, hvis sportsklubber og sociale foreninger er klar til at lære af hinanden, skriver Christina Tønder Bell, som lige har været til Global Goals World Cup i Aarhus.
The women’s ball, Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård, Weekendavisen, August 18, 2022
Equality. Full-grown men and slight teenage girls play with the same heavy football. Why? Maybe we can reduce the epidemic of knee and head injuries by making the ball just a little bit smaller?
"Play back, exactly, over there, play back, first touches, come on!" The U16 girls in the Frederiksberg club FA 2000 are instructed in a passing exercise by their coach, Frederik Nørgaard. They have their eyes on the ball. Sidestep and then a soft inside kick back to the partner.
Nørgaard presses them: "Play a little faster than you can keep up with."
After ten minutes, he sends them around the turf field dribbling with the ball and alternating between jogging and sprinting.
"We'll collapse if we have to take two more laps!" shouts one of the girls.
"No, you don't... Okay, we'll take a water break," Nørgaard replies.
Endnu flere kvinder skal være en del af fodboldfællesskabet i Aarhus March 12, 2022
Som ny samarbejdspartner til Global Goals World Cup Denmark, åbner DFUNK – Dansk Flygtningehjælp Ungdom ekstraordinært op for ugentlige fodboldtræninger for unge kvinder i Aarhus. I løbet af foråret og sommeren 2022 vil nye mangfoldige fodboldfællesskaber tage form og blomstre, som optakt til GGWCUP’s fodboldturnering og bæredygtighedsfestival, der løber af stablen til august.
Myndir frá mögnuðu fótboltamóti: Aðeins 1% af öllu fjármagni íþrótta rennur til kvenna November 10, 2021
„Það er magnað að fá innsýn í upplifun kvenna af fótbolta í ólíkum löndum,“ segir Andrea Gunnarsdóttir formaður Félags ungra athafnakvenna, UAK eftir að úrslit Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) voru kynnt í gær. Liðið Leaf Mark frá Jórdaníu stóð uppi sem sigurvegarar.
Andrea Gunnarsdóttir formaður félags Ungra athafnakvenna (UAK) segir fótboltamótið GGWCUP hafa verið algjörlega magnað en þar kepptu íslenskar stjórnmálakonur meðal annars við kvenleiðtoga sem sóttu Heimsþingið heim sem nú stendur yfir í Hörpu. Andrea segir mótið hafa verið mikilvægan lið í jafnréttisbaráttunni enda segir hún aðeins 1% af fjármagni íþrótta fari til kvenna.
Icelandic sports news coverage on national channel - RÚV (starts 03:14)
Prinsessan af Jórdaníu á Íslandi November 8, 2021 -
Lara Faisal, prinsessan af Jórdaníu er stödd á Íslandi. Hún mun í dag taka þátt í pallborðsumræðum um stöðu jafnréttismála í fótboltaheiminum sem fram fara í húsi Vigdísar, en Ungar athafnakonur (UAK) standa að umræðunum í tilefni af úrslitum Global Goals World Cup.
Íslenskar stjórnmálakonur unnu opnunarleik Global Goals World Cup, November 8, 2021 -
Pessa dagana standa Ungar athafnakonur fyrir úrslitum Global Goals World Cup en um er að ræða óhefðbundið fótboltamót þar sem markmið mótsins er að veita fleiri konum aðgengi að íþróttum.
Íslenska liðið var í góðum gír í Origo-höllinni í dag. Fréttablaðið/Valli/samsett
Fall 2021
Saudi Arabia’s Team Kafo Prepares To Compete At The Global Goals World Cup Grand Finale In Iceland November 5, 2021
The all-female team will join competitors from around the world at the GGWCUP finale which bridges sport and social impact to raise awareness of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
Saudi Arabia’s Team Kafo will join other all-female teams from around the world in Iceland this November for the finals of the Global Goals World Cup
Launched in 2015, GGWCUP brings together sport and social impact by inviting women around the world to make a positive impact in their communities by advocating for their chosen United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs), and taking part in five-a-side football matches to help raise awareness of sustainability issues.
Morgunútvarpið & Global Goals World Cup November 5, 2021
Radio interview: 01:18:53Global Goals World Cup.
UAK og jafnrétti: Óhefðbundið kvennamót í fótbolta hefst á mánudag November 5, 2021
Úrslit Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) verða haldin í fyrsta sinn á Íslandi dagana 8.-10. nóvember. Munu gestir víðsvegar að úr heiminum ferðast til Íslands til að taka þátt í mótinu. Félag ungra athafnakvenna, UAK, eru gestgjafar mótsins.
Í tilkynningu frá UAK segir að markmið mótsins sé að styðja við heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna og auka aðgengi stúlkna og kvenna að íþróttaiðkun.
“Leiðust yfir að missa af því að spila við „alvöru prinsessu“ (Tired of missing out on playing with a "real princess")
K100, November 4, 2021
“[…] She (red: Guðrún Ýr Eyfjörð or GDRN) also announced that she would also miss a very special football tournament, Global Goals World Cup, due to the infection, but the football tournament is to draw attention to global warming and give women and girls access to sports, but the tournament will be held November 8-10.”
The first-ever Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) Saudi Arabia took place last weekend in Diriyah, with 26 all-female teams advocating for social and environmental sustainability. Team Kafo, players from the Meraas women’s soccer team, claimed victory and will now represent Saudi Arabia at the GGWCUP final in Iceland this November. They are part of the MENA GGWCUP tour where 70 all-women teams will be playing, reaching 1.1 million people with their visions for the future.
Sports news coverage I The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service - RÚV (starts 03:14) November 9, 2021
UAK í samstarf við Global Goals World Cup, September 9, 2021
Félagasamtökin Ungar athafnakonur og Global Goals World Cup eru komin í samstarf og mun því úrslitaleikur GGWCUP fara fram á Íslandi 8. – 10. nóvember.
„Samstarfsnet GGWCUP samanstendur af fjölmörgum alþjóðlegum samstarfsaðilum sem vinna af miklum krafti að auknu jafnrétti og sjálfbærni um allan heim. Global Goals World Cup er fótboltamót sem hefur verið brautryðjandi í íþróttaheiminum frá árinu 2015 með það markmið að veita öllum konum og stúlkum aðgang að íþróttum,“ segir í tilkynningu félagsins.
Radio interview w. Kristjana and Berglind from UAK - November 8, 2021 - KissFM (starts 1:04:30)
Summer 2021
Sport and social activism come together as all-female football teams prepare to compete at the inaugural of Global Goals World Cup Saudi Arabia by Riyadh "Riyadh Daily" August 30, 2021
The final tournament of Saudi Arabia’s inaugural Global Goals World Cup will take place in Riyadh in September, showcasing the powerful role sport can play in advancing social and environmental sustainability.
Launched in 2015, Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) invites women around the world to use the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals towards a positive impact in their communities. Each year, all-female teams organize events and activations to advocate for their chosen SDG, before competing in regional 5-a-side football tournaments.
GGWCUP Saudi Arabia was initiated by the Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) at the end of 2020. Some 28 teams have spent the past eight months campaigning for and educating people about their chosen SDGs. The teams will now battle it out at a three-day festival between Thursday, September 16, and Saturday, September 18, for the chance to play against other regional winners at the GGWCUP grand finale, which will take place in Iceland in November.
Hosted by Elite Sports Centre in Diriyah and sponsored by Adidas and Novo Nordisk, the tournament’s guests will include dignitaries, SFA board members, and others, as well as friends and family of the players.
Global Goals World Cup Saudi Arabia is finally here by Saudi Sports for All Federation, August 30, 2021
28 all-female teams will present the community work they have undertaken and participate in a two-day 5-a-side football tournament to determine the competition winner
The final tournament of Saudi Arabia’s inaugural Global Goals World Cup will take place in Riyadh in September, showcasing the powerful role sport can play in advancing social and environmental sustainability.
GGWCUP Saudi Arabia was initiated by the Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) at the end of 2020
Some 28 teams have spent the past eight months campaigning for and educating people about their chosen SDGs. The teams will now battle it out at a three-day festival between Thursday, September 16, and Saturday, September 18, for the chance to play against other regional winners at the GGWC grand finale, which will take place in Iceland in November.
Hosted by Elite Sports Centre in Diriyah and sponsored by Adidas and Novo Nordisk, the tournament’s guests will include dignitaries, SFA board members, and others, as well as friends and family of the players.
The first day of the tournament is the 17th of September and will conclude the on the 18th. The family-friendly event will feature entertainment and talks from the likes of Nascimento Foundation founder Kely Nascimento; CEO of ALOula Charity Organization, Dania Al Maena; Majken Gilmartin, GGWCUP cofounder, DJ Hatoun, and more.
Dare to Play
“You can’t imagine the things that we are prohibited from just because we are women”
For some women in Jordan, football is forbidden. That’s why they’re playing. Fly on the Wall follows two teams, most of them refugees, in the all-female Global Goals World Cup tournament. Their fight for gender equality, on and off the pitch, is nothing short of a class act.
Direct link to film by Raul Gallego Abellan at Al Jazeera, June 9, 2021.
Gaza camp's first all-female football team competes in Global Goals World Cup
by Amy McConaghy, @TheNationalNews, May 27, 2021
Pioneering players take to the pitch in Jordan in the hope of improving equality in sports.
Spring 2021
New documentary relives Saudi Greens’ historic journey at the Global Goals World Cup finals
by Saudi Sport For All Federation, 28 February, 2021
The six-minute film joins the team in New York City as they became the first female sports team from the Kingdom to compete in the USA.
The Saudi Greens’ historic appearance at the 2019 Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) has been immortalized in a new documentary by the Saudi Sports for All Federation.
Launched across the SFA website, YouTube channel, and social media accounts on Wednesday, February 24, the documentary chronicles the all-women football team’s journey at the tournament in New York City – the first time a female sports team from the Kingdom had ever competed in the USA. (read full article)
"Be the first female sports team from Saudi to come to the U.S. to compete, feels really good."
Winter 2020-2021
The launch of the first World Cup for the Global Goals in Saudi Arabia December 28, 2020
”Yesterday, the Saudi Sports for All Federation revealed to Asharq Al-Awsat that the first World Cup edition of the Global Goals was launched in Saudi Arabia, stressing that this initiative seeks to encourage women throughout the country to practice sports, as it helps positively to promote public health.”
SFA announces first ever Global Goals World Cup Saudi Arabia December 27, 2020
Sports for All Federation announces the first ever Global Goals World Cup Saudi Arabia December 27, 2020
Saudi Arabia's All-Female Greens Team Nabs Second Place in United Nations Global Goals World Cup September 2019
“Two years ago, Saudi Arabia made a landmark announcement that women would be able to attend sporting events in the country’s numerous public stadiums, a first in the nation’s history. Since then, and in a relatively short period of time, the atmosphere has completely transformed in Saudi Arabia, as the Kingdom’s women have been breaking into the sporting field like never before. The wave of reforms and focus placed on integrating women into sports, paired with changing societal views, has seen more and more Saudi women showing off their skills in all sports, from basketball, to martial arts, to even bowling.”
This Saudi All-Girls Football Team Won Second Place at the UN Global Goals World Cup
NAHEED IFTEQAR September 29, 2019
Saudi Greens Team Brings Home Second Place in UN Global Goals World Cup in New York as part of the Saudi Sports for All Federation, PROVIDED BY Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Information Office, September 26, 2019
Fall 2020
World’s Largest Lesson: Denmark
For the 6th time World’s Largest Lesson has been celebrated in Denmark, this year joined by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary!
Every year World’s Best News and more than 45 organizations behind the Danish version of World’s Largest Lesson ‘Verdenstimen’ and the Municipality of Copenhagen invite students from local schools to a special live edition of World’s Largest Lesson. The event takes place in the beautiful Copenhagen Townhall.
Photocredit: Lasse Bak Mejlvang/World’s Best News.
Generation Verdensmål på Bornholm
Tak til Michael Almeborg, ejer af og direktør for Ole Almeborg A/S, der har givet Svartingedal Skole to net med fodbolde og et par bolde til at spille volleyball med.
Boldene tiltrak sig straks opmærksomhed, da de blev overrakt forleden til skoleleder Helle Krakau Holm og mellemleder Jonas Torp Wendell-Gundersen.
Foto: Svartingedal Skole
The SDGball made the front cover
Bjarke Ingels Transformed a 126-Foot Ferry Into a Floating Mansion for His Family.
Read the article in, by Rachel Cormack.
On October 21, together with Danish partners and The World's Best News, we launched the first national SDG school platform in Denmark: Verdentimen.
We are developing material for PE classes (Class of 2030).
HRH Crown Princess Mary and Minister for Development Ramus Prehn were guests.
#taketheball and jump to 21:00 and play a 1 minutes football match.
Read the article: (Danish)
Summer 2020
Maram Adel Albutairi and Lujain MohammadAli Kashgari to stage the only Arabic-language sessions for the global event 4 June, 2020 by Sports For All
”Two players from the Saudi Greens Team will participate as online trainers in the Global Goals World Cup Club House (GGWCup). C-license certified coaches and Saudi Greens team members Maram Adel Albutairi and Lujain MohammadAli Kashgari will represent the country in the global initiative, participating alongside athletes from all over the world beginning June 9, 2020.
The GGWCUP Club House, a virtual fitness program aimed at spreading awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through football. The 10 sessions staged by Albutairi and Kashgari will be the only Arabic-language Club House trainings, with the goal of engaging the wider MENA region in the online activation.”
One Year After The “Game Of Thrones” Finale, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Is Going Behind-The-Scenes May 8, by Laura Schreffler
”Coster-Waldau was set to travel to Jordan for the U.N.’s Global Goals World Cup, the first women’s activist soccer tournament, this April, but the event was postponed in the wake of COVID-19. But the pandemic won’t sway him from continuing his charity work. “What I’ve found through doing the work with the U.N. is that it’s always a challenge to understand and appreciate the tragedies that are taking place around the world if you’re not living through them. You try to pass on the information as best you can, but you also know that you can’t expect anyone to feel the burden of the world—and you shouldn’t, because that’s not a way to live.”
Winter / Spring 2020
Marta deveria ser reverenciada como o meu pai diz Kely, filha do rei Pele April 14, 2020 Daniel Batista
Filha de Pelé: Marta deveria ser reverenciada como o meu pai April 14, 2020 by Daniel Batista
34 teams was a record for Global Goals World Cup
New Vision Uganda April 1, 2020 (PDF)
Global Goals | One-on-one with Mariam Mpaata
Newvision March 23rd, 2020 by Charles Mutebi
Nigeria Host SDGs Global Goals World Cup As Reps Partner UNDP - Agenda 2030
FreshNEWS TV (YouTube) March 21, 2020
“We are grateful that our #GGWCup host partner in Nigeria have teamed up with Lagos State and the US Embassy Nigeria to secure that the tournament will take place when we are safe through the COVID-19. More than ever we need massive actions for the SDGs.”
Lagos to host woman only football tourney for SDGs March 13, 2020
"Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu (M) SSA to the President on SDGs Mrs Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire (4th L) Ambassador, 17 Goals African Initiative, Ms Joke Silver (3rd L) and others during the presentation of the 2020 Global Goals Women World Cup Ball to the Governor."
Abiertas las inscripciones para la Copa Mundial de ODS que se realizará en Medellín - Telemedellín
Tele Medellin TV March 13th, 2020 - (YouTube)
”A propósito del mes de la mujer, están abiertas las inscripciones para que las mujeres de país participen en la Copa Mundial de ODS.”
Tele Medellin TV.
Women celebrate their day in style
Newvision March 10th, 2020 by Patricia Turyahebwa
”Hearts-Vision rooted for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Quality Education and donned school uniforms with backpacks.”
A combination of creativity, unity and the spirit of Ubuntu March 10th, 2020
”Not many people knew about this tournament, but sending a collective message is something that brings people together. For example, when you get the opportunity to play for Goal 1 – to end extreme poverty everywhere – many people will join a team to help eradicate poverty in the world in whatever way they can. The Global Goals World Cup is a combination of creativity, unity and the spirit of Ubuntu [Editor’s note: Ubuntu is an African belief that we become what we are thanks to the people around us; that is, being aware of the impact others have on us ]. The only rule that has to be strictly observed is that only amateur players can take part."
GGWCUP East Africa 2020: Women get sporty on their day March 8th, 2020 - by Joseph Kizza
A fun-packed day punctuated by a kaleidoscopic aura at Lugogo provided the perfect picture of activity as Uganda hosted the Global Goals World Cup East Africa 2020 as the world celebrated the women."
A Lioness of Africa: Mariam Mell’Osiime Mpaataa A True Hero! by unityfcwomen February 26, 2020
”It is with great honor that we present you with the story of Mariam Mell' Osiime Mpaata, the CEO and founder of Afrika Sports Foundation in Uganda. Mariam is very passionate about effecting change and improving lives through the game of football. Mariam's foundation is hosting the 2020 Global Goals World Cup East Africa. She has been overseeing football initiatives in Kenya since 2007. A number of her projects include the Junior Stars Youth Development Programme, Watoto Africa Soccer Awards, Soccer Divas Club Mombasa and Junior Stars Football Academy. Besides all this she is the mother of four amazing children and married to Kassim Mpaata. We are truly grateful to Mariam for sharing some of her very busy schedule to spend some time with Unity F.C.”
Grandmothers register for Global Goals World Cup February 18th - by Faith Kiai
"KAMPALA - About 32 women amateur football teams from various walks of life are expected to register for the Global Goals World Cup East Africa slated for March 8 at the StarTimes Stadium. The teams, which vary from grandmothers to doctors and journalists, are all determined to come together to promote the sustainable development goals. The standout team so far is the Abigail's Grandmaz, a team of grandmothers who come from an organization called Abigail Women Fashion and Design.
Uganda to host maiden Global Goals World Cup East Africa February 7th, 2020
"The maiden Global Goals World Cup East Africa is set for Women’s Day, March 8 at the StarTimes stadium, Lugogo. The all-women five-aside tournament aims at giving women a chance to experience the power of Sports and football in particular. Mariam Mpaata, the CEO of Afrika Sport Foundation Centre, said that it is going to be an exciting time for the women and they shouldn’t stay at home on Women’s day: “Uganda is privileged to be the host of the five East Africa Nations. It is a great honour to show our passion,” she said."
Global Goals World Cup East Africa to create women awareness through football February 6, 2020 by Shafic Kiyaga
”Afrika Sports Foundation Center has embarked on a mass awareness campaign of various women groups towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but through the power of football.”
Global Goals Week 2019 Partner Report 2020 February 3, 2020
The Global Goals Week 2019 was largest Global Goals Week to date: 93 partners, 72 events, plus 400 SDG Action Zone and Climate Week NYC events - and a social media reach of 5.8 billion. #GGWCup was one of the top hashtags. See full report here.
Mariam Mpaata: Global Goals World Cup East Africa 2020 will not leave Uganda the same January 31, 2020 - by David Isabirye by David Isabirye
”The Global Goals World Cup 2020 is an amateur women football that is played on a 5 aside basis with each game lasting 6 minutes. Four points are given after each game …”
Uganda Host Global Goals World Cup East Africa January 25th, 2020 - by Charles Mutebi
”Football is the Beautiful Game but when used as an avenue for global transformation it rises beyond mere aesthetics to a power out of this world. This is the case with the women’s Global Goals World Cup, a wonderful initiative started in 2014 to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals through a potent mix of sport, art and advocacy.”
Summer/Winter 2019
Do Refugees Play Ball?
ATHENS Voice December 11, 202o - by Manos Legal
Hestia FC girls break their bonds of discrimination and racism with their love of football.
Scoring goals beyond football field too
India Times October 9th 2019 - by Marcus Mergulhao
"PANAJI: Football means different things to different people. For many, it’s just a game, for some it’s an emotion and for some it’s an emotion and for others it could be the biggest tool they have to change lives."
How You Can Make A Difference Through Soccer
Blog post Soccer Girls Sock Oct 3rd 2019
"I had no idea how impactful the women on these teams would be in what they determined to work for. Words can not describe how inspiring these women are. You can not help but come away from an event like this, ready to make small steps to achieve these goals. "
13-year-old Janani became Modi's inspiration: quoted Tamil poet in U.N.
(India) NT Nation Today October 1, 2019 - by Padampati Sharma
“We are going to introduce our readers to the same "Janani" which became the inspiration for the Prime Minister of our country. "Janani" would have been in America but is of Indian origin. Janani is constantly striving to save "Mother Earth" from the constant loss of nature due to climate change. Although she is only 13 years, she is committed to protecting the environment. She is constantly trying to save the environment from "Climate Change and Crisis".
Fotbalistky pošty dobyly New York. Pošťácké Nagano, gratuloval Hamáček
Aktualizováno September 26, 2019
(US: Post footballers conquered New York. Postman Nagano, congratulated by President Hamacek)
Invitation: GGWCup NYC Finals 2019
Refugee women find relief in Greek soccer
Washington Post July 9, 2019 - by Thanassis Stavrakis | AP
”The United Nations Refugee Agency, known as the UNHCR, says there were 76,100 pending asylum claims in Greece at the end of 2018, in a report prepared for World Refugee Day on Thursday. Hestia FC was set up by the Olympic Truce Centre, a non-government organization created in 2000 by the International Olympic Committee and Greek Foreign Ministry. The team took part in the Global Goals World Cup in Denmark last month — a five-a-side international women’s tournament aimed at promoting gender equality. None of the migrant women were allowed to travel and were represented by mostly Greek volunteers who agreed to play in their place. Unexpectedly, they won the tournament. “It’s a (vindication) of our fight to get them travel permits,” Salta said. “To let them know how many people they inspire.”
GGWCUP Europe 2019, Copenhagen May 14
Full Press Pick Up GGWCUP Europe May 14, 2019 here.
Stærke kvinder driblede verdensmålene fremad (Strong Women Dribling The Global Goals Forward) (Danish)
Verdens Bedste Nyheder / World Best News May 21 2019 - by Sune Skaarup
Instagram: @verdensbedstenyheder
Twitter: @VBNyheder @worldsbestnews
Websites: - - www.verdensmå
Scaling Up a Sustainable Fashion Agenda
@SAP Next-Gen on Medium May 28 by Kelly Cannon
SAP Next-Gen showed up in a powerful way at the Global Goals World Cup (GGWCup) in Europe to activate a global movement for sustainable fashion. In 2016, the GGWCup became the first activist women’s Football World Cup. In the past three years, thousands of women across four continents have taken part in the GGWCup tournaments, with the final games taking place during the UN General Assembly Week in New York each September.
Saudi women footballers set their sights on green goals May 26 - by Caline Malek
DUBAI: In the natural scheme of things, sports and environment are not easy to combine. But a group of eight Saudi women are attempting just that through their football team, the Greens. The team’s members want to use their passion for sport to raise environmental awareness and bring about a mindset change across the Kingdom.
Fodbold, kvinder og en kamp for en bedre verden
Børsen (Danish) May 24th, 2019 - by Pernille Mohr Nielsen
Ligestilling og bæredygtig energi er nogle af de verdensmål, som kvinder fra nær og fjern kæmper for, når de går på fodboldbanen og spiller om at blive det bedste hold, ikke i, men for verden.
El equipo LET US BEE gana el premio al proyecto con mayor alcance e impacto de los Global Goals GGWCup en Copenhagen, Dinamarca
Spanish Futsal Players Association "AJFSF" (Spanish) May 21, 2019
Aktivistisk verdensmesterskab vil forene sport og bæredygtighed
Jyllands-Posten Sport (Danish) May 16 2019 - by Signe Laursen
Fodbold er universelt, skaber forståelse og sammenhold på tværs af landegrænser, siger en af grundlæggerne bag Global Goals World Cup, der forsøger at skabe en bedre verden med bolden som redskab.
"Siempre hay que dar la cara": de víctimas de la violencia de género a futbolistas (Spanish) May 12, 2019 - by Alberto R. Barbero & Carlos Fernández
”Superviviente, sí, ¡maldita sea! Nunca me cansaré de celebrarlo". Lo canta Sabina en su último trabajo (penúltimo, siempre penúltimo) y sirve para el caso que nos ocupa. Porque hay víctimas y hay supervivientes. "Es sencillo. Nosotras creemos que víctima es la que está sufriendo en su casa el tema del maltrato. Una vez que sale por sus medios o porque la ayuda alguien, se convierte en superviviente. Ahí afronta la realidad desde otro punto de vista. Nosotras estamos para eso. Muchas nos llaman cuando ya están fuera, aunque otras muchas lo hacen cuando aún están dentro y las ayudamos a dar el paso". Habla Carmen Benito, presidenta de Mujeres Unidas contra el Maltrato (MUM)... y jugadora del Let us bee!, primer equipo que representará a España en la Global Goals World Cup.” Photo Pablo García (MARCA)
Hvis du ingenting gør, tager du stilling.
Berlingske May 11 2019
Thirty teams will set out to play for the world they want. You are invited. Free admission.
GGWCup seek to accelerate progress by giving women from all walks of life, across all regions of the world a voice for their future. We will create an inclusive environment featuring tournaments which make both advocacy and sustainable development. Welcome to the GGWCup. From GGWCup Europe in Copenhagen May 14th, 2019. Video credit: Verdens Bedste Nyheder.
GGWCUP Prague 2019
V Praze se odehrál unikátní fotbalový turnaj PRAHA TV – May 30 by David Wilczek
Unikátní fotbalový turnaj na podporu globálních cílů OSN, který inspiruje a zapojuje ženy z celého světa, se poprvé konal v České republice.
(A unique football tournament to support the UN's global goals, which inspires and engages women from around the world, was held for the first time in the Czech Republic.) May 12 2019
"Siempre hay que dar la cara": de víctimas de la violencia de género a futbolistas
PRIMERA PLANA Mujeres Unidas contra el Maltrato, primer equipo español en la Global Goals World Cup Friday May 3, 2019
Football As A Force For Good by Ellie Pipe
Press Release May 6, 2019
GGWCup Europe kommer til København den 14. maj
Nu er der ikke længe til, at Global Goals World Cup lander i København med en europæisk udgave; GGWCup Europe.
Press Release April 12, 2019
The GGWCup Prague team captains have taken the unique balls and committed to play for a better world
The captains of the eighteen Global Goals World Cup Prague teams took over the SDGs at a joint meeting at Werich Villa in Prague on Wednesday, April 10th.
Press release March 7, 2019
Startujeme Global Goals World Cup Prague - poprvé v Česku
Unikátní fotbalový turnaj na podporu globálních cílů OSN, který inspiruje a zapojuje ženy z celého světa – Global Goals World Cup, jsme odstartovali tiskovou konferencí 7. března 2018 v prostorách Ikea Point na Václavském náměstí.
15 år, skuespiller og feminist: Safina går i berømt fars fodspor Kultur February 3 (Danish - by Rasmus meldgaard Harboe ( (Danish)
Vil gerne prøve det hele
[…] Men det er ikke kun skuespillet, der fylder i hendes unge hoved. For selvom Safina Coster-Waldau kun er 15 år og tilmed er opvokset i et priviligeret land som Danmark, så har hun haft rig lejlighed til at opleve uligheden i verden.
Det har hun gennem sin far, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Udover at være skuespiller, er han nemlig goodwill-ambassadør i FN. Det betyder, at han forsøger at samle opbakning til FN's verdensmål, der blandt andet inkluderer ligestilling mellem kønnene.
- Så vi har flere gange været med til noget, der hedder 'Global Goals World Cup' i New York. Et af verdensmålene er kønsligestilling, og min søster og jeg lærte alt muligt. Vi har blandt andre mødt Malala. Er det ikke sejt? siger Safina og henviser til Malala Yousafzai, som kæmper for pigers ret til uddannelse.
Read full article here. (Danish)
Photo: Rasmus Meldgaard Harboe (DR)
GGWCUP Mumbai 2019
These women are changing the game
The Navhind Times February 21, 2019 - by Danuska Da Gama I NT BUZZ
Tete-a-tete with the players
FC Goa Women’s Team Crowned Global Goals World Cup Champions February 5, 2019
About provides live updates and in-depth analyses of every professional sporting event that happens around the world.
Forca Goa girls clinch GGW Cup football title
Mid-Day February 5, 2019
The article mentions that the 24-team, five-a-side football event, aimed at encouraging women into action, is part of the United Nations' 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals. The story has been published in print as well online.
FC Goa women's team wins India leg of Global Goals World Cup
Business Standard February 4, 2019
The Global Goals World Cup aims to create awareness and celebrate entities that champion United Nation's 17 sustainable development goals, as well as drive progress and change in their communities.
FC Goa women's team wins India leg of Global Goals World Cup
Sportskeeda February 4, 2019
FC Goa women's football team representing the Forca Goa Foundation were crowned champions of the Global Goals World Cup held here. The Global Goals World Cup aims to create awareness and celebrate entities that champion United Nation's 17 sustainable development goals, as well as drive progress and change in their communities.
एफसी गोवा महिला टीम ने ग्लोबल गोल्स विश्व कप का भारतीय चरण जीता
फोर्सा गोवा फाउंडेशन का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रही एफसी गोवा महिला फुटबॉल टीम ने यहां ग्लोबल गोल्स विश्व कप का खिताब जीता। यहां जारीविज्ञप्ति के अनुसार पहली बार भारत में आयोजित की गई।
Amar Ujala February 4, 2019
FC Goa women’s team wins India leg of Global Goals World Cup
Assam Tribune February 4, 2019
In all, 24 all-woman teams competed in the football event which took place for the first time in India. The champions will now represent India at the Global Goals Activist Trophy to be held in New York in September, a media release said on Monday.
FC Goa women's team wins India leg of Global Goals World Cup
News Boss February 4, 2019
The Global Goals World Cup aims to create awareness and celebrate entities that champion United Nation's 17 sustainable development goals, as well as drive progress and change in their communities.
FC Goa women's team wins India leg of Global Goals World Cup
DevDiscourse February 4, 2019
The Global Goals World Cup aims to create awareness and celebrate entities that champion United Nation's 17 sustainable development goals, as well as drive progress and change in their communities.
A Mumbai Agency Launches a Campaign to Enable Better Representation of Women in Football in India
VICE January 22, 2019
In collaboration with the Forca Goa Foundation, the first phase of an activism spurred by Ruchika Parab has given birth to ‘A Girl’s Place’, which reclaims, and breaks, this sexist cliche.
GGWCUP New York City - Global Goals Week and UNGA 2018
Full Press Pick Up GGWCUP Finals New York 2018. Download here.
Majken Gilmartin: Making Global Change with Global Goals
Girls Soccer Network September 20, 2018 by Cheyenne Bowers
The Global Goals World Cup in NYC Was a Win for Gender Equality
Celebs and amateur soccer players representing 48 organizations took one for the SDG team. September 27, 2018 by Leah Rodriguez
December 1st 2018 - New GGWCUP League in Johannesburg, South Africa
SDG Advocates Erna Solberg and Dho Young-Shim participate in the launch of the first women’s football league in the township of Alexandra in Johannesburg, South Africa.
On 1 December 2018, SDG Advocates Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway and Ambassador Dho Young-shim participated in the launch of the first women’s football league in the township of Alexandra in Johannesburg, South Africa, in partnership with the Global Goals World Cup.
The launch event for this league was a celebration featuring 400 children from Alexandra township who are part of the South African Field Band Foundation. The children in the field band performed their carefully practiced songs for the Prime Minister, and learned about the SDGs in a playful way through teams organized by SDG (such as the Goal 5 – Gender Equality team). Ambassador Dho generously provided 400 SDG footballs for the games, and Prime Minister Solberg acted as commentator. The event taught the children and the Alexandra community about the Goals in a positive and engaging way, while also mobilizing them for meaningful future action.
GGWCUP Finals New York City - Global Goals Week and UNGA 2017
GoT's Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Refereed a Soccer Tournament in the Name of Gender Equality
In Style September 21, 2017
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau on King's Landing Style and the GoT Romance He'd Like to See Blossom
Vogue September 22, 2017
Global Goals World Cup is where advocacy meets sport
Award winning artist Olafur Eliasson Talks Global Goals
GoT's Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Refereed a Soccer Tournament in the Name of Gender Equality
Yahoo Canada Style
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Helps Kick Off Women's Amateur World Cup soccer Tournament 2017!
Just Jared
GGWCUP Nairobi 2017
K24TV: Morning Show Up-Close and Personal: Majken Gilmartin-Co-Founder Global Goals World Cup
KTN News Kenya Business Today: Global Goals World Cup
KTN Worldview Global Goals World Cup to be held in Nairobi
TopSport, NTV Talking Global Goals World Cup
NTV Moving the Goalpost Wins Global Goals World Cup
News (Denmark)
Børsen Topleder henter inspiration fra sportens verden
Jyske Medier Røddernes magt
Daily Nation Starlets aces to shine on ‘Global World Cup’
The Star, Kenya 24 teams all set for Africa Global Goal tournament
The Star, Kenya Game Of Throne's King Slayer coming to Nairobi
Business Insider Popular Game of Thrones star to visit Kenya on a global United Nations mission
HBR 103.5FM Game of Thrones ‘Lannister’ to Referee GGWCup at Impala
Soka News Kenya set to host the Global Goals World Cup
X News Kenya Global Goals World tourney set for Impala grounds
Jyllandsposten Nikolaj Coster Waldau fløjtede GG World Cup i gang i Kenya
Soka News MTG coach speaks out after bagging the Global Goals World Cup
Daily Star, Kenya Nikolaj Coster Waldau referees women’s football match in Nairobi
NY Times
October 24, 2014
Selling a smaller soccer ball
by Claire Martin
At age 12 or 13, many soccer players around the world graduate from the soccer balls designed for children to the larger ones used by professionals. But when a Danish youth soccer coach named Majken Gilmartin watched her daughter’s team make that transition in 2007, she was alarmed by what she saw.
As soon as the girls started using the larger ball, Ms. Gilmartin detected a difference in how they played. “They got fatigued,” she says. She worried that the ball might increase their risk of injury.
“I thought, ‘Why are we training with that size ball in this age?’ ” she recalls. “This is a ball that we play with when we are adults. Why are young girls playing with it?”
Ms. Gilmartin, who at the time was a Copenhagen-based filmmaker and organizer of soccer tournaments, knew some elite female soccer players with persistent knee and ankle injuries. She was also a lifelong soccer player herself, with her own history of soccer-induced knee surgeries — seven in all, starting at age 16. She believed that the balls were at least partly to blame.
In the past several years, research has emerged that women who play soccer, basketball and ice hockey are two to three times more likely to receive concussions than men in those sports, according to Dr. Robert Cantu, clinical professor of neurology and neurosurgery and co-director of the CTE Center at the Boston University School of Medicine, and co-founder of the Sports Legacy Institute in Boston.
For girls, soccer poses the highest concussion risk of any sport, Dr. Cantu says. Only a small percentage of soccer concussions are caused by contact with the ball, but some of those injuries could be avoided with a ball like the Eir, he says. He notes that a shift to softer balls in Little League baseball has resulted in fewer head injuries in that sport.
Girls used Eir balls at the Elite Football Camp International in Copenhagen. Photo Lars Runge