GGWCUP Saudi Arabia 2021
GGWCUP Saudi Arabia 2021
Team KAFO claim victory at the first ever Global Goals World Cup Saudi Arabia
Congratulation to all participating teams
All 26 teams are spectacular advocates for the Global Goals and women’s sports in Saudi Arabia.
Overall Champion: Team KAFO (SDG 5)
Runner Up: Team Oasis (SDG 2)
Community Work & Action Champion: Team Healthy Flames (SDG 3)
Style Champion: Team Jeddah Wave (SDG 14)
Crowd Champions: Team Raiders (SDG 8) & Team Raiders FC (SDG 14)
Football Champions: Up to the Challenge, Rise to Challenge, Challenge for Health (SDG 3).
GGWCUP Saudi Arabia 2021
The first ever Global Goals World Cup Saudi Arabia event has taken place in Diriyah, with 26 all-female teams advocating for social and environmental sustainability while battling it out for the chance to take part in the Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) grand finale in November.
Hosted by the Saudi Sports for All Federation at Elite Sports Centre in Diriyah, the Kingdom’s inaugural GGWCUP event took place between Thursday, September 16 and Saturday, September 18. The event, sponsored by Adidas and Novo Nordisk, combined social impact and sport, as the teams competed in a 5-a-side football tournament as part of their campaigns to highlight the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“I congratulate all of the 26 teams for having the drive and conviction to take part in the first GGWCUP Saudi Arabia, and for all of their individual contributions to the success of this event championing the UN Sustainable Development Goals,”
Read full PR Release in English and Arabic incl. pictures here.
Should you have any questions, please get in touch with the designated GGWCUP Saudi Arabia team and GGWCUP co-founder Majken Gilmartin.
26 all-female teams competed at the inaugural GGWCUP Saudi Arabia
“We are the Raiders Team, founded in 2019 and participated in the Riyadh Football League for two years. We play for Goal 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth.”
“A healthy mind and a healthy body is a healthy life. We are the Blue Arrows playing for Goal 3.”
“We think playing football is a great opportunity to get together, to move and work out and to get to know our team mates. Especially in times of a global pandemic, we realize how important it is to strive for good health and well-being.”
“Health first! Team Blue Power is the force that stems from the core of our girls' team with strength, persistence and perseverance in order to achieve the Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing.”
“We are a global team of seven empowered women that take on life’s challenges with a brave heart and a strong mind. It is our strong believe that Sports is a key component to a healthy mind. We’re healthy and we know it!”
“Being able to use what we love to help people all around the world is absolutely amazing! We could not miss out on this beautiful opportunity to do so!”
“After struggling in the first years of establishing the team, our voices was heard and we had a chance to play in a professional football league. Now we want to help other women so the whole world will hear our voices. We play to reduce the inequalities in the world.”
“We intend to influence other women in our community to not only enhance their health, but enjoy doing it! Our goal is to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity and making it accessible for everyone.”
“We are the Raiders Team, founded in 2019 and participated in the Riyadh Football League for two years. We play for Goal 14: Life Below Water.”
“Global Goal 3 is important for us, because your well-being and fitness helps you build your health. Physical health and well-being go hand in hand.”
“We aim to participate and create initiatives that help achieve Good Health & Well-being set by the UN and are aligned with the Saudi 2030 Vision.”
“A healthy lifestyle affects us positively. When each and everyone of us continues and enhances the quality of life filled with good health and well-being, we all win.”
“We have played since childhood. In the beginning it was not easy to play football. The society's idea at that time was that football was only for men, and there were no sports facility for women.”
“We are the Al-Aml team, the first and only team in Taif founded in 2018. In the GGWCUP we play for Goal 11 Sustainable Cities & Communities.”
“Since the establishment of the Oasis women's football team, one of our main objectives are to promote the role of women in society at all levels and in various fields and spread the culture of women's sports in general and football in particular.”
"Our ministry in the Netherlands finds climate very important, and we as a team in Riyadh are trying to connect best practices from the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia together to we can learn from each other for instance in Agriculture and several other field. To build a better world together."
“We play for Goal 3 and one of our ambition is to help and develop the concept of female sports in Saudi society and all societies with a focus on females football players and find ways to turn their dreams into reality.”
“The Kingdom of Belgium is dedicated to improve health conditions both locally and internationally. We strongly believe in the necessity of showcasing the third SDG, especially with the challenges humanity is facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“We play for Global Goal 3 - Good Health & Well-being - in the hopes of achieve what we can, to reduce the prevalence of smoking.”
“Goal 14 is very relevant to us as we live in one of the biggest coastal cities in the Kingdom, Jeddah, which is home to some of the most amazing marine life and corals. In addition, our love for the sea as it represents a very important element of our lifestyle.”
“Our mission is to raise awareness of the importance of health and encourage people to exercise to ensure a better quality of life. Health & Well-being permeate every aspect of our lives.” Overall Champion GGWCUP Saudi Arabia 2021.
“We are a group of footballers from the city of Riyadh. We founded the team in 2020, and our goal is to honor our society and our country with the best image of women's soccer teams. We aspire to achieve the largest number of championships.”
“We want to raise awareness across the Kingdom on Global Goal 3 and target 3.4: “Promote mental health” through football and fitness.”
“لرفع مستوى الوعي في جميع انحاء المملكة حول هدف ٣.٤ "تعزيز الصحة النفسية" من خلال كرة القدم و اللياقة البدنية”
“We are 10 diverse and passionate ladies from the Royal Danish Embassy in Riyadh. We support the cause of this tournament to the fullest, and we feel strongly about promoting our Global Goal 13.”

About host and organizor
The Saudi Sports for All Federation
Saudi Arabia
Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) is coming to Saudi Arabia for the first time in partnership with the Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA). They are changemakers in their way of recognizing the value of sports for the SDGs and access to sports for women.
Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) is the mandated body by the Ministry of Sports to achieve the national objective under the Quality of Life Program to increase people who are physically active from 13% to 40% by 2030 as part of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision. SFA achieves this through sustainable programs that target all segments of society with all different abilities, ages and nationalities residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Team Greens
The Saudi Team Greens supported by the Saudi Sports for All Federation played for Global Goal 15 at the GGWCUP Europe in Copenhagen in 2019 and again at the New York City Finals in September the same year.
“We believe that a healthy land makes a healthy life, and nation and since we are determined to spread awareness about it we will play for it in New York City. ”
This team is a group of sports leaders and coaches who are passionate about raising awareness for the health of the earth and mankind. They have come together from different backgrounds — private sector, government, and sports clubs — to help the world go green by playing for Global Goal 15 Life on Land. They started collecting plastic for art projects. Today they collect plastic that is transformed to prostheses.
Sports for All Federation (SFA): @Saudi_SFA Twitter | @Saudi_SFA Instagram | SFA Website
Team Greens: Greens Team (IG)
GGWCUP: @GGWCUP #ggwcupksa
New documentary relives Saudi Team Greens’ historic journey at the Global Goals World Cup Finals in NYC 2019. Produced by GGWCUP host: Saudi Sport For All Federation. (Feb 28, 2021)
“One of our most important goals is to help and develop the concept of female sport in Saudi Society and All Societies.”