Team Microfund for Women / فريق صندوق المرأة
GGWCUP Jordan 2021
Team Microfund for Women is playing for Global Goals 4 - Quality Education
Welcome to Team MFW Football Team. They will promote inclusive and equitable quality education for all.
To ensure quality education, we all have to take action. Please cheer on the team with a comment and follow their actions on their social platforms.
فريق صندوق المرأة سيلعب من أجل الهدف العالمي 4- التعليم الجيد
مرحبًا بكم في فريق صندوق المرأة لكرة القدم. سوف يعمل على تعزيز التعليم الجيد الشامل والعادل للجميع. لضمان التعليم الجيد، علينا جميعا أن نتحرك. يرجى تشجيع الفريق بكتابة تعليقات ومتابعة اعمالهم على منصاتهم الاجتماعية
“لإيماننا بأن الموضوع المتعلق بالتعليم موضوع حساس لكافة الناس من حول العالم اما فيما يخص شركة صندوق المرأة فدافعنا هو ايماننا بضرورة وجود فرص متكافىة للحصول على التعليم الجيد
We believe that education have always been a sensitive matter to all people and especially to us as we believe everyone deserves an opportunity to receive good education.”
This is how the Team will take action for their Goal
We will be visiting schools and universities to give lectures on how important education is as well as its effect on communities.
We will be visiting orphan kids to talk about education as well as give them educational games.
Set a friendly game with people with disabilities as well as give lectures on how education can help them achieve their dreams.
Since we have a list of schools and universities to visit we will be measuring through people who we are going to reach through our field visits as well the report coming from social media on how many people were interested, interacted with our posts.
هذه هي الطريقة التي سيعمل بها الفريق لتحقيق هدفهم
سنعمل على زيارة مدارس وجامعات لإلقاء محاضرات حول اهمية التعليم وأثره على المجتمعات
سنعمل على زيارة بيوت أيتام لإعطاءء المحاضرات وتوزيع الألعاب التعليمية
المشاركة بلعبة قدم مع أشخاص من ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة مع إعطاء محاضرة حول كيف للتعليم أن يساهم في عملية تحقيقه
سنقيس تأثير أعمالنا عن طريق عدد الأشخاص الذين يتم التواصل معهم عند اجراء الزيارات الميدانية وعن طريق التقارير الخاصة بالسوشال
The Team’s activities
Team met and played football more than 5 times, engaged people (on social media) and did 10 face-to-face activities to promote your team’s Global Goal.
Team also offered free online training courses to more than 100.000 people: 12 site visits, held 80 discussion sessions for female clients, and distributed educational books to 37 children, gave a lecture to university students, and gave an interactive lecture with factory workers (17 workers) on the importance of education.
Lunched an E-learning academy for our beneficiaries.
Launched 2 online trainings for our beneficiaries during the lockdown.
Launched a laptop loan.
Provided 6 students with full educational scholarships.
Cheer for the team. Leave a comment
Follow the Team @mfwfootballteam on Instagram, Twitter , Facebook, and website (and in English).
شجع الفريق. اترك تعليقا
شاركنا على فيسبوك و موقعنا
Instagram, Twitter , Facebook, and website (and in English)