Team Leaf A Mark
GGWCUP Jordan 2021 & GGWCUP Finals Iceland 2021 & GGWCUP Denmark 2022
Team Leaf A Mark will play for Life On Land to promote a greener Jordan
Overall Champion GGWCUP Jordan 2021
Since the dawn of the first industrial revolution, mankind has been perpetually depleting the planet’s natural resources and failing to give back what it has taken from the earth, disrupting the delicate balance that allows us and the planet to thrive.
The negative impacts on our environment have led to ever increasing global warming and a drain on our most precious resources. Even in our home country Jordan, we have suffered the severe effects of climatic change. and since water supply is scarce in our country, the problems have worsened even further.
This is why we chose to work and solve this problem today for the sake of future generations as well as the planet. Planting trees in Jordan not only adds an aesthetic character to our home but also has a significant role in combating global warming as a whole.
“منذ بداية الثورة الصناعية تدهورت البيئة واثر سلباً على مناخ مما ادى إلى الاحتباس الحراري حول العال
بما ان الأردن تعاني من شح في المياه تفاقمت المشاكل بالسنوات الأخيرة مع التغيرات المناخية. تتفاقم المشكلة سنة عن سنة ولذلك علينا العمل الان لحل هذه المشكلة اليوم من اجل الآجيال القادمة. زراعة الأشجار في ليس لديه طابع جمالي فحسب بل أيضاً لديه دور في مكافحة الإنحباس الحراري
We only have one chance to fix the chokehold we have on the planet and if we don’t act now, the results will be catastrophic not only for us, but for all future generations to come. Jordan is well-known for its beauty and history, a tiny country with a lot of treasures but unfortunately, limited resources and many environmental challenges.”
This is how the Team will take action for their Goal
To combat the environmental damage we have done, we will be planting trees in dry and deforested spaces around the country.
We will hold clean-up campaigns in heavily littered areas and remove plastic waste for a greener and cleaner Jordan.
We are going to install large empty frames in certain locations around Jordan, and work with sponsors, partners and the local communities, to plant trees in those spaces that fall within the frame.
We will post before and after photos of how planting a few trees can change the entire scenery of Jordan making our home cleaner and more beautiful.
Cairo Amman Bank will distribute plantable cards with a pot and mini-frame to young children around Jordan to plant in their houses, the reason for this is to raise awareness on the importance of planting and going green in Jordan.
We will be partnering with large environmental organizations and both national and international companies to collaborate in planting trees together around Jordan. Each organization can help in sponsoring a frame, cleaning the area behind the frame and planting trees there. It will be their responsibility to take good care of the land behind their frame.
We will monitor our progress by showcasing the rehabilitated spaces and calculating the number of trees that have been planted in Jordan since the start of this campaign.
The Team's physical activities
Team met and played football more than 5 times, engaged people (on social media) and did 10 face-to-face activities to promote your team’s Global Goal.
Our team is made up of women that come from a different background, each has a profession that is not linked to the other person. This diversity has helped us work towards our goal in innovative ways, get more people involved and enjoy the game even more.
We are driven by our passion for the game and love for nature and that is what kept us going through these tough times, as individuals and as a group, we do believe that together we will make a difference. GGWCUP is what sparked the start of our initiative, which will continue to exist beyond the tournament, so thank you GGWCUPJo for this wonderful opportunity and for enabling us to leaf a mark for a greener Jordan.
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