Team Plastiqua / فريق بلاستيكا
GGWCUP Jordan 2021
Team Plastiqua will step on to the pitch for Global Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption & Production
Team Plastiqua is a team of women from Bank al Etihad, that want to speak up for the one planet with finite resources, we have: “If we keep consuming and producing like we do currently, there will come a day when the earth no longer can provide us with the necessary resources to fulfil our unlimited wants and needs.”
The team wants to help the people and places around them prosper. They will involve local women in they actions for the Goal and inspire to reuse, upcycle, and recycle waste to keep Jordan unique and beautiful.
Good luck!
سيتقدم فريق بلاستيكا الى ارض الملعب لتحقيق الهدف العالمي 12- الاستهلاك والانتاج المسؤولان
فريق بلاستيكا هو فريق من النساء من بنك الاتحاد ، يرغبن في التحدث على تأثير استهلاكنا على البيئة و للسعي على تخفيض بصمتنا البيئية على كوكبنا قدر المستطاع:
"إذا واصلنا استهلاكنا وإنتاجنا كما نفعل في الوقت الحالي ، سيأتي يوم لم تعد فيه الأرض قادرة على توفير لنا الموارد اللازمة لتلبية احتياجاتنا الغير المحدودة"
يريد الفريق مساعدة الناس والأماكن المحيطة بهم على الازدهار. سوف يشاركون نساء محليات في أعمالهن من أجل الهدف والهام لإعادة الاستخدام و تدوير المخلفات للحفاظ على الأردن بصورة جميله وفريده
“نحن ندرك تأثير استهلاكنا على البيئة ونسعى لخفض بصمتنا البيئية على الكوكب قدر المستطاع
It is also our responsibility to lower our carbon and waste footprint as much as possible. ”
This is how the Team will take action for their Goal
The team plan is to collect used plastic waste from the bank and create value by turning it into unique, innovative, and sellable items that generates income to local community women (reached through local community partners and local organizations).
Through partnerships with multiple entities the team will train local women on reusing the waste products and turning them into creative, artistic, and sellable items. This not only supports waste management and recycling but also reveals a multi-stakeholder model, since the process creates good for all the parties involved.
هذه هي الطريقة التي سيعمل بها الفريق لتحقيق هدفهم
خطتنا لتحقيق الهدف تتمثل في قيامنا بجمع المخلفات الخاصة بالبنك من بلاستيك وغيرها من المواد الضارة للبيئة وتحويلها الى منتجات متنوعة وصديقة للبيئة سيعاد تصميمها بطريقة تسمح لسيدات من المجتمع المحلي باعادة بيعها وبالتالي تحقيق مرود مالي مستدام لهن. ولاننا نؤمن بأهمية الشراكات لتحقيق الأهداف، فسنقوم بالتعاون مع عدة جهات تساعدنا على تحقيق الهدف والعمل على ايجاد حلول مستدامة لهذه المشكلة
سنقوم بقياس الأثر عن طريق
عدد السيدات المستفيدات من مبادرة اعادة تدوير مخلفات البنك البلاستيكية -
نسبة الزيادة في المردور المالي لكل سيدة نتيجة المبادرة -
نسبة تقليل مخلفات البنك الضارة بالبيئة -
عدد الموظفين والعملاء المشاركين والمنضمين الى المبادرة -
The team will count the:
Number of local women reached from this reusing initiative.
% of increase in beneficiaries’ income as a result of the initiative.
% decrease in bank’s plastic waste as a result of the initiative.
Number of employees and clients supporting and advocating the initiative.
The Team's activities and uniform
Up-cycled more than 10,000 PLASTIC bank credit cards to produce around 1700 accessories & art pieces.
Our upcycling initiative generated a sustainable income to 7 underprivileged women from East Amman (Jabal al Nathif).
The 7 women were able to expand their work and reach out to local markets through Plastiqua's stand at Sweifeh Village. The ladies also participated in a christmas pop up shop called Zamakan and displayed and sold their items.
We've reached more than 360 children through our environmental sessions in schools and community Centers. These sessions raised awareness amongst kids from different ages on the different types of plastics, and the harms of it on the environment, and how to be environmentally cautious in our daily lives.
We've partnered with Haya Cultural Center in Amman targeting 80 underprivileged kids in a program that focuses on environmental awareness and upcycling. The kids upcycled used plastic bottles, wheels and cards and used them in the creation of a real-life artistic garden at the center.
The best part about choosing SDG 12 and launching Plastiqua is that we were able to incorporate upcycled elements into our uniforms for the upcoming GGWCUP tournament. Working around a Gladiator theme for the style of uniforms is what we and Petra got excited about. The Gladiator theme has an element of showmanship, of absolute strength, of competition and we could still incorporate some femininity into the designs to make them our own through headpieces, shoulder pads, skirts with plenty of movement, and instead of using leather we’d be using upcycled PVCA plastic.
As part of our plastic upcycling initiative, we made sure to incorporate upcycled cards in our uniform as much as possible. This includes belts, head pieces and other accessories all made from BANK cards.
Team met and played football more than 5 times, engaged people (on social media) and did 10 face-to-face activities to promote your team’s Global Goal.
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