Team Ayla / فريق آيلة
GGWCUP Jordan 2020
Team Ayla will play for Life Below Water to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the world’s oceans and seas
The sea, women, and sustainability are the pillars of Ayla.
Team Ayla represents a game-changing waterfront development in the red sea resort of Aqaba in southern Jordan, offering a thoughtfully and sustainably designed mix of residential, touristic and commercial destinations with the broader goal of expanding Aqaba’s sea-front and beaches by 17 km and creating a vibrant marine wildlife in the man-made sea-water lakes established by the Oasis.
سيلعب فريق آيلة مع الهدف 14 - الحياة تحت الماء - لزيادة الوعي بأهمية حماية محيطات وبحار العالم
البحر ، والمرأة ، والاستدامة هي أركان آيلة
مثل فريق آيلة مشروعاً لتطوير الواجهة البحرية في منتجع العقبة المطل على البحر الأحمر في جنوب الأردن ، حيث يقدم مزيجًا مدروسًا ومستدامًا من الوجهات السكنية والسياحية والتجارية مع الهدف الأوسع المتمثل في توسيع واجهة العقبة وشواطئها بمسافة 17 كم و خلق الحياة البرية البحرية نابضة بالحياة في البحيرات بمياه البحر من صنع الإنسان التي وضعتها الواحة
“دما طرحت الفكرة، كان هناك إقبال بين الفتيات للتسجيل بالرغم من افتقارهن لأي خبرة في كرة القدم.ولكن حبهن وشغفهن للحياة البحرية والبحر كان أكبر من أي عائق
When the idea of the Global Goals World Cup was introduced to us, there was a high turnout among girls to register despite their lack of football experience. However, our love and passion for marine life and the sea was greater than any hindrance.”
Team Ambassadors of Change
Team Ayla will carry out workshops in the community that raise awareness about the importance of protecting marine life, the seas, and the beaches. These workshops will take place in collaboration with local environmental associations and will also provide volunteer opportunities for members of the community to further the goal.
Team Ayla will also raise awareness by publishing articles in Ayla’s weekly newsletter about the importance of protecting and restoring damaged marine ecosystems, the economic benefits of sustainable business practises that are in line with the global goals.
The team will also hold several school visits in the southern coastal city of Aqaba and host members of the community to provide guidance and raise awareness about how individuals can play a crucial role in protecting the marine environment.
Ayla will carry out several beach clean-ups in Aqaba. Ayla has been awarded the Marina blue flag, plays a crucial part in the underwater activities by insuring environmentally friendly lagoons, establishing a Coral nursery and launching the Reef Ball project to help create a reef habitat in their lagoons.
هذه هي الطريقة التي سيعمل بها الفريق لتحقيق هدفهم
ورشة عمل والقيام أعمال تطوعية مع الجمعيات المتخصصة البيئة
حملات تنظيف الشواطىء العامة
جولات توعية من خلال زيارة المدارس في العقبة واستقطاب المجتمع المحلي لزيارة المشروع والتعريف عن الحياة البحرية
The Team's activities and uniform
Team met and played football more than 5 times, engaged people (on social media) and did 10 face-to-face activities to promote your team’s Global Goal.
We hosted several activities to enhance our goal.
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