

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

Which Global Goals sparks the activist in you? Earn Action Points.

Ahead of the GGWCup Europe in Copenhagen, we want to inspire you with a look back at a few of the many actions teams have taken in order to score action points.

We encourage our teams to think outside the box when it comes to their actions. What can you bring to the table because of your unique perspective and experience? Which of the 17 Global Goals spark the activist in you?

Follow along….

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Startujeme Global Goals World Cup Prague - poprvé v Česku

Unikátní fotbalový turnaj na podporu globálních cílů OSN, který inspiruje a zapojuje ženy z celého světa – Global Goals World Cup, jsme odstartovali tiskovou konferencí  7. března 2018 v prostorách Ikea Point na Václavském náměstí.

Unikátní fotbalový turnaj na podporu globálních cílů OSN, který inspiruje a zapojuje ženy z celého světa – Global Goals World Cup, jsme odstartovali tiskovou konferencí  7. března 2018 v prostorách Ikea Point na Václavském náměstí.

Global Goals World Cup Prague was launched by on 7 March 2018 at Ikea Point on Wenceslas Square.

Press Release in Czech.

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Did you know for every one Wikipedia page about a woman, there are four about men?

We want to thank and Wikipedia for their campaign to encourage #flerekvinderpåwiki.

Because wikipedia is an open editing platform, we have the power to be the change we want to see. There is no excuse for 83 % of all biographies on Wikipedia to be about men.

Help contribute to our Global Goals World Cup Wikipedia page. Have you played in a GGWCup tournament, know someone who has, are you on our Dream Team? We would love to have you and more than 3,000 women who have played in our tournament in the GGWCup article on Wikipedia.

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Europe is teaming up for a Global Goals World Cup in Copenhagen this May

Through leading Global Goals tournaments around the world, we have come in contact with many inspiring and committed female coaches, who we believe are one key component to come up with new new approaches to get more women active.

Because we, as women working in the sport and football sector, need to come up with new approaches to get more women active. So with co-founding from Erasmus+ Programme we set out to test new approaches and invited twelve european coaches to take part in our special EU Ambassador Couch Programme.

Nanna Dahl have met with two of the coaches and talked about how it’s going with setting the teams and getting ready for the GGWCup Europe in Copenhagen.

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It’s an honor to welcome Team SanScar onto the stage

- winner of best advocacy and action for the Global Goals at the GGWCup Mumbai 2019

Team SanScar! from Mission ScanScar were the proud winners of the Best Advocacy and Action category. A fierce team that played for Global Goal 5 and gender equality with a loud and clear message: All you can do, I can do bleeding.  

We meet with the co-founders of Mission SanScar, Urvi Talaty and Sumati Joshi, on Skype, a week after the GGWCup Mumbai to talk about the story behind the capes, partnerships, and where they’ll take the ball from here.

by Mathilde Nielsen

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The GGWCup Mumbai 2019 winner is transforming Goa one football field at a time

- it’s an honor to introduce Forca Goa.

Team Forca Goa, from the Forca Goa Foundation, were the proud winners of our Mumbai GGWCUP. The champions Forca Goa will represent India at the Finals in New York during the UNGA week September 2019.

I spoke to Ishita Godinho, the Community Development Manager at Forca Goa, about Forca Goa’s mission, challenges and ethos.

by Mathilde Nielsen

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