

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

GGWCup Bangkok - All teams blew us away all day

GGWCUP Bangkok is over and we have a winner - and in many ways all of the teams are winners today. I say that after every tournament, but am serious. These teams of women around the world are coming together to speak up and take action. Its magic and I cry everytime, it just touches my heart & soul so deeply. Today teams playing and connecting are coming from all over Thailand. Talking air pollution, gender equality and education as a big driver for change. Bangkok’s tournament is where we have had the most teams of teachers, heard curious and playful conversations, and had a great level of dance on and off the field.

PlayOnside won, followed by Pink Falcons

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Team: Power Explores

Stephen Hawking cared most about Global Goals 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

“The more people who know abou the Goals [… ] and people can not fight for their rights, if do not know what they are,” – Stephen Hawking.

Team Power Explores, thank you for speaking up for the Goal that ‘explores’ the activist in you and the team! We are excited to hear your voice February 2nd in Bangkok.

In the GGWCup Bangkok 2019 team Power Explores will play for Global Goal 9.


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Team: Baan Somdej

A quality education for every single child. Gender equality in the classroom. Higher-ed options that don't break the bank.  

If these all sound like the trappings of a fantasy land, it's because most countries still struggle to provide them in some way, shape, or form - even the rich ones.

In the GGWCup Bangkok 2019 the team will play for Global Goal 4 Quality Education.


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Team: BoBo's Bulldogs

“We are teachers and staff from Bangkok Preparatory and Secondary International School. We have chosen to play for Global Goal 14 Life Below Water because we are a gold flag Eco School and currently have Bobo the Whale visiting us highlighting the large amount of plastic that is dumped in the Ocean. It is time to DIVE in and take more ACTION!”

In the GGWCup Bangkok 2019 the team will play for Global Goal 14 Life Below Water.


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Team: BIST Mist

Welcome to team BIST Mist aka @bromsgrovethailand - a school that seeks to an enlightened, disciplined and broad education that responds to global change while retaining core values: Humility and Confidence - Compassion and Ambition - Respect and Curiosity - Tolerance and Vision.

In the GGWCup Bangkok 2019 team BIST Mist will play for Global Goal 4 Quality Education.

We hope the team will bring out all the school’s students to cheer and celebrate the Global Goals.


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Team: Play Onside

We are Burmese migrant women living and working in Mae Sot a city on the Thai-Burma border. We all work as coaches and educators in PlayOnside, an organization that uses football to promote gender equality among the Burmese community displaced in Thailand. For all of us, playing football was something that we could not imagine when we were kids. We have started coaching and playing 2 years ago and become a great role model of the change in our communities. We want to join this event to promote the goal of Gender Equality in the field of sport.

We believe that together we are stronger!


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Team: Wakanda

The hosts for the GGWCup Bangkok NIST International School is not an ordinary school. It was established in 1992 with support and guidance from the Bangkok-based branch of the United Nations with over 50 nationalities.

Welcome to Nina, Sara, Chantel, Indigo, Nicky, Melissa. Megan and Hannah. TOGETHER WE RISE!

The team will be playing for Global Goal 4 Quality Education.


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Team: Pink Falcons

Pink Falcons will be playing at Global Goals World Cup for the 2nd time this year.

”We are the Pink Falcons, mothers and leaders of parents’ community at NIST International School who believe in the strength of awareness, education and fundraising to advance global goals. This year we have chosen to champion the cause of raising awareness for the quality of the air we breath in - with our project #bringbackbluesky.”

In the GGWCup the team will play for Global Goal 13 Climate Action.


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Happy 10th anniversary

Today is game day in Mumbai, our 10th anniversary for the Global Goals world Cup. We are so proud, touched and wildly exited of everything we have experience since the very first tournament in 2019 during Women Deliver Conference in Copenhagen.

If you are not in town please cheer for the amazing teams playing today. They are using all their creative energy to push for change. Cheer on our Facebook Page and on the Mumbai Event page.

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ggwcupGameday, PartnerComment
Team: Soccer United

Soccer United is ready to stand for Quality Education!

Yes. Simple and to the point, Soccer united girls team have not wasted any time in telling their competitors what they really want and that's to 'Keep The Dream Alive' and the omens are looking good for them to reign supreme at the Global Goals World Cup.

Let’s do this. Let’s stand together! Let’s keep our dream alive!


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Citizen's Climate Pledge

In January 2019, a group of extraordinary athletes came together to develop an important message to their fans at the Luge World Championships in Winterberg, Germany. The video is shown during the Luge World Championships in Winterberg, Germany just now. I made the video in collaboration with a group of remarkable luge athletes, who are showing much needed leadership in the fight against climate change. By signing the Climate Pledge I’m sending a message to the decision makers, companies and to all levels of society.

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Team: Parcham

Just like their motto that says 'Kicking Boundaries', the team from Parcham will be looking to kick the ball into the back of the net when the Global Goals World Cup kickstarts in Mumbai at the Fr. Agnel Multipurpose School and Junior College.

With just a few days to go for the big day, here's wishing them the best for the games!

In the GGWCup team Parcham will be playing for Global Goal 5 gender Equality.


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Team: The Amazons

The Amazons are representing SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) and will be hoping to give all the other teams an education in the art of football. All for one and one for all is their essence and we're hoping that they provide some really good competition at the Global Goals World Cup.

In the GGWCup The Amazons will be playing for Global Goal 4 Quality Education.


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Team: Mumbai Girls Football

The Mumbai Girls Football team was set up with only one crystal clear aim - through women in sports, start a movement in the country. Since 2014, they have successfully started one football club and have tied up with 20 other clubs as well. Their initiatives have directly impacted almost 500 girls in the country and we are sure this team will be looking to have a positive impact on the upcoming GGWCup as well!

In the GGWCup The Mumbai Girls Football will be playing for Global Goal 5 gender Equality.


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Team: The Magic Bus Choose to Matter

Team Magic Bus Chooses to Matter are playing for Global Goals 5 - Gender Equality.

The Magic Bus team’s vision is to give millions of children living in poverty the opportunity to control the way they view the world, the freedom to choose the role they will play in it, and the power to define their own destiny.

In the GGWCup team The Magic Bus Choose to Matter will be playing for Global Goal 5 - and Magic team Magic Bus Stars will play for Global Goal 4 Quality Education.


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