Team: Let us BEE
Global Goal 15 - Life On Land
Team Let Us BEE will be playing for Goal 15: Life On Land.
Natalie was the second woman in Spain to obtain a UEFA PRO Futsal Coach level degree. "It's vital that women who are in decision making positions raise our voices." This is how we break the glass ceiling.
Natalie is one of the EU Ambassador Coaches selected as part of our overall project GGWCup Europe. Learn more about the special ErasmusPlus project here and read more about Natalie here.
See you on the pitch in Copenhagen May 14!
How will the team take action for their Goal?
The Team will plant flower seeds to help the pollination and disappearance of bees and plants that contribute to the wellbeing of the planet and our food!
The team will visit schools and show the importance of caring about our ecosystem. The team will reach 600 children and talk with them about the global goals and Let It Bee project. Every boy and girl will get a paper cup with seeds to take home and plant with their parents and contunie the conversation about the global goals and especially life on land.
The team will speak with sponsors and companies who are going to collaborate with them and support the actions. May 12 2019
"Siempre hay que dar la cara": de víctimas de la violencia de género a futbolistas
PRIMERA PLANA Mujeres Unidas contra el Maltrato, primer equipo español en la Global Goals World Cup
“We visited school Gredos San Diego de la Suerte Primary School (6 to 12 years) and Kinder Garden (5 years old) a total of 1.000 children plus teachers. Each boy and girl took a plant home and we also left 3 more for the class to look after together.. The action plan in the schools where very positive for all of us and created awareness of not only the global goal 15 we spoked about other goals and also about respect of the planet, animals, insects, humans and take care of the water, recycling paper and plastics. For the girls and boys that were up to 8 years old also we spoked about respect and equality between girls and boys, same possibilities and rights now and when they are older, and to finish about gender violence. It was a really good experience.
The spanish paper MARCA is came on Monday May 6th to make an interview and they want us to be the cover of the magazine for sunday 12th - the day that we travel to the tournament.” May 12 2019
"Siempre hay que dar la cara": de víctimas de la violencia de género a futbolistas
PRIMERA PLANA Mujeres Unidas contra el Maltrato, primer equipo español en la Global Goals World Cup.
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Let Us BEE
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