Team: Kicken ohne Grenzen
Team Kicken ohne Grenzen will play for Global Goal 5 - gender equality
Lydia Lechner has been working as a coach in a mixed refugee children's team for the last two years at the project ‘Kicken ohne Grenzen’ (‘Football without Borders’). The weekly training sessions are provided for around 15 kids from several nations all year long.
Lydia is one of the EU Ambassador Coaches selected as part of our overall project GGWCup Europe. Learn more about the special ErasmusPlus project here and read more about the team here.
See you on the pitch in Copenhagen May 14!
“As a coach at ‘Kicken ohne Grenzen’ I have been able to gain a lot of experience in working with girls and women from socially disadvantaged communities. At our training sessions we regularly use football as a tool to deliver “soft-skills” like self-confidence, fairplay, conflict-resolution and gender-equality. My motivation for this project is to continue the work and motivate a lot of women, no matter nationality, to play football.”
“When I play football it is like my mind empties and I forget all my problems. I feel light, free.”
Our mission is to help young women from disadvantaged communities through the unifying power of football to integrate sustainably and equally into society.
We want to encourage women to discover and develop their individual abilities and potential. Therefore, we use the power of football as a tool and as a common language. In the form of specific exercises within the training, these women get the opportunity to discover teamwork, self-employment and social skills at various levels.
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Kicken ohne Grenzen
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