Team: Future Leaders
Future Leaders
Global Goal 17 - Partnership for the goals
Team Future Leaders dreams of more young people contributing to achieve the SDGs through being social entrepreneurs in their local community and as part of international development corporations.
Future Leaders is a corporation between the Tunisian Scout Association and the YMCA-Scouts of Denmark, working with youth empowerment, equality and entrepreneurship in Tunisia and Denmark for more than a decade. They have educated more than 800 scouts and non-scouts in entrepreneurship which has opened 30 new companies in Tunisia and created more than 100 jobs.
“We want to tell the world, that everything is possible as long as we do it together.”
The team are all volunteers working within the scouting movement who are eager to tell the world, that we cannot achieve the SDGs without working together. They will be playing for Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals and are on a mission to get in touch with the Danish youth to challenge their perception of scouting and their own role in achieving the SDGs through friendship and partnerships.
How will the team take action for their Goal?
The Future Leaders corporation has important stakeholders within the Danish Youth Council, The Danish Arab Partnership Program and other bigger institutions, but we want to be an example for what the general youth is capable of. With our participation in the Global Goals World Cup, we want to get in touch with the Danish youth to challenge their perception of scouting and their own role in achieving the SDGs through friendship and partnerships.
We have a dedicated plan ready for mobilizing a crowd for the tournament in Copenhagen, we want to show the colors of Tunisia by wearing the national football jerseys for the tournament, and we are ready to launch a bigger Social Media campaign for the even
Following along with Team Future Leaders on Instagram and Facebook @FutureLeadersDKTN #Tunisia_Denmark
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Future Leaders
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