Team: Asylum United
Asylum United
Global Goal 5 - Gender Equality
Team Asylum United are providing women in Danish asylum centers with empowerment and strength through soccer.
Asylum United is an organization which brings the power of soccer to women staying at Asylum Centers in Denmark which originally grew out of Eir Soccer. They are currently in three asylum centers: Jelling, Sandholm and Avnstrup. They are on a mission to bring smiles and soccer into the lives of women staying at danish asylum centers.
“We believe that through soccer and play we can bring a space into women’s everyday life, where they dont think of problems and traumas, but can enjoy the game and the social life soccer can provide.”
The team in 2016 at the GGWCup Copenhagen with Little Sun medals.
Team Asylum United believes that all women are strong, no matter their background, and that soccer is a truly exceptional tool in building strength in difficult circumstances. They will be playing for Goal 5: Gender Equality.
Following along with Asylum United on Facebook @asylumunited
How will the team take action for their Goal?
We will provide the women we meet in the asylum centers with empowerment and strength through soccer. Show them that women and girls also can play soccer and have fun doing so!
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Asylum United
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