GGWCUP Finals Iceland 2021
We are proud to team up with the Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders 2021 and Young Professional Women in Iceland (UAK).
Since 2016 we have hosted our signature Finals in New York City during the UN General Assembly Week and the Global Goals Week. This year was different. We moved the 2021 finals to Iceland and hosted our annual GGWCUP Finals in Iceland during the Reykjavík Global Forum from November 8 to 10, 2021.
We invited women from the field to champion each other and share what we all are fighting for and how we best possible can support each other and create more space for girls and women on and off the field.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in Iceland. Amazing teams. Six new champions. 17 Global Goals. The Blue Lagoon. Film screening. Dinners. Conversations at the President and First Lady Eliza Reid’s estate and at the Danish Embassy. A ton of football, free play and a Power, Together Award.
We are proud to present the next Iceland champions:
Team Leaf A Mark
Overall Champion GGWCUP Finals Iceland 2021 – Global Goal 15
Runners-up – Global Goal 3
Team Futura
Action Champion – Global Goal 17
Team Feminists United
Style Champion – Global Goal 5
Team FC Mosi
Crowd Champion - Global Goal 12
Team Hasbeens FC
Football Champion – Global Goal 3
We are gathering all pictures and as the pictures get approved, we will add to the special Iceland photo album.
The teams
Follow the Finals on social media
Follow #ggwcupis on social media
Womens Leaders 2021: @womenleadersgf (IG) @WomenLeadersGF (TW)
Young Professional Women in Iceland (UAK): @ungarathafnakonur (IG) @ungarathafna (TW)
GGWCUP: @ggwcup (all)
The Power, Together Award
“True progress is made when leaders come together with common vision and purpose. The Power, Together Award highlights exemplary initiatives and movements where change agents join forces to create positive, lasting and sustainable impact for women and girls. Global Goals World Cup has worked since 2015 to build a community committed to investing boldly to realise full equality.”
On behalf of the more than 5.000 women fueling the growing Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) movement we are honored to accept this award from The Reykjavik Global Forum. It recognizes the efforts taken and the challenges overcome to break down barriers on the playing field and beyond. It also recognizes their allies and partners including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
About Young Professional Women in Iceland (UAK)
UAK is an organization that strives for equality, paradigm shift, and advancement in society.
Founded in 2014, UAK is an organization for women who want to succeed in the professional environment, and do everything in their power to eliminate obstacles young professional women face.
Members of UAK, with a count of over 350, have a diverse professional background. Some members are already working in their field of expertise, while others seek higher education. The organization seeks to create a forum for women to learn from, promote, and empower each other.
UAK offers a great variety of educational and networking events every month. Each event aims to encourage young women, inspire them and assist them in developing their skills.
Young Professional Women in Iceland want to promote a society where women and men are provided with equal opportunities. Their goal is to strengthen the position and future of young women as managers and members of the professional environment.
Until men and women stand equal in Icelandic society, UAK will continue to work and promote equality through education, discussion and encouragement.
Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders 2019
Reykjavík Global Forum – Women Leaders is co-hosted by WPL and the Government and Parliament of Iceland on 8-10 November 2021.
The Reykjavík Global Forum launched in 2018 under the heading of 'Power, Together' convenes women leaders from around the world, across all sectors, including politics, business, civil society, academia, the arts and media.
In following the tradition of these past convenings the Reykjavík Global Forum 2021 will be a meaningful and action-oriented series of conversations and collaborations.
Women Leaders: Advancing Society
Women Leaders is an independent, international, post-partisan and not-for-profit foundation based in Reykjavik, Iceland (the world champion of gender equality). Silvana Koch-Mehrin is the Founder and President of the WPL Foundation and its members are women in political office – Ministers, Members of Parliaments, Mayors. Membership is free and members are honoured by their participation.
Women Leaders strives in all its activities to demonstrate the impact of more women in political leadership, for the global better. To accelerate, women need three things: communication, connection, community.
Women leaders believes that progress happens by convening women political leaders who have the drive and the influence to create positive change.
“When one women is a leader, it changes her.
When more women are leaders, it changes politics and policies.”
Sponsors, partners and network
Thank you to all who are opening doors and helping us create new network and friendships in Iceland. We are grateful for your amazing support: Katja Iversen, Henriette Nielsen, Halla Tomasdottir, Asger Ryhl, Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Gudrun Porbjørnsdottir , Henriette Weber, Pia Allerslev, Adam Grønholm, Olof Yrr Atladottir, Eliza Reid, Una Sighvatdóttir.
“Gender equality is one of UAK main goal. UAK strives to create a platform for women to learn and empower each other. Success for us is when we have achieved our goals when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities.”