GGWCUP Blog — Global Goals World Cup



The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

Pre-season training with Babett Peter & Ella Masar

NEW SERIES: These next weeks you will be able to follow Babett’s preparation for the iconic first season of the first ever Real Madrid’s women’s team. It might be hard to follow, but try. It is fascinating to get a peak into a detailed planned training program. Detailed in the way of being able to see the in-depth look into the different scientific, mental, and physical prep that is needed to stay at the ‘top of the game’.

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Gender relations in sport

In this second episode of ‘Why study sport’ Amina Moustafa will explore how gender ideologies can impact people's experience of sport. How we define sex and gender can lead to societal expectations of men and women and how men and women 'should' behave. Gender stereotypes that exist in society can also be seen in sport. We will take a closer look at how testosterone has been used as a biological criterion to label women as women in elite sport.

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Why study sport?

On April 30 we launched this new talk series about sport sociology. In this series Amina will encourage us to think critically about sport and analyse the impact sport has on us and the world at large. Together we will uncover the complex relationship between sport and society and discover how sport can perpetuate certain values and beliefs.

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We live in our Adventure Park!

Global Goals World Cup caught up with Becca Todd; founder and Director of Team Brave, who is delivering some of our free online Global Goals World Cup training directly from her adventure park in Chile!

Becca and her husband Gus took the decision to actually move in to live in the park when faced with a severe Chilean lockdown, and here they share with us some of their unique quarantine experiences of being in isolation in an adventure park.

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Empowering Rural India!

by Janani Shiva, India

“I am proud to share that this tournament was inspired by the GGWCup initiative to empower girls and women around the world. This opportunity was life-changing for me and a way for me to connect with girls who are just as spirited in making a positive change in the world.”

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