

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

Thank You for the Most Incredible year!

The list of amazing people that we feel grateful for having met and worked with is so long that it would fill the whole blogpost! We hope you all know who you are. But a big THANK YOU to all our partners who make this possible. To our amazing ambassadors and referees. Our teams -you remind us every day why we do this! And to our volunteers and crew of hard working and brilliant people. YOU ARE THE BEST! 

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SDG5 Dream Team Players Honored at the Peace and Sport Awards in Monaco

Last week in Monaco at the annual Peace and Sport Awards two of the players were recognized for their outstanding contribution. Khalida Popal was named Champion of the Year for her brave insistence on speaking her mind as the only women in the Afghanistan Football Association, and her tireless work to give women access to sport. The organistion HODI, (Horn of Africa Development Initiative) Founded by Fatuma Adan, was named NGO of the year, for their use of sport as a means to promote peace and change norms in rural Kenya. 

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Spectacular 8 -Goal 14

United by their desire to leave a legacy of sustainable behaviour and a pollution-free planet for their children, 8 women took to cleaning the beaches of Dubai, as part of their action campaign for the upcoming  Global Goals World Cup Tournament in Dubai. By transforming the trash they found, into a sculpture named Tilly the Turtle, the Spectacular8 team hope to raise awareness of the adverse impact humans are having on marine life, and encourage people to adopt more sustainable consumption habits.

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GGWCup UAE Eventpage Now Open!

The Global Goals World Cup is the world's first five-a-side World Cup for the Global Goals.  Each team consists of 6-8 dedicated women who want to help push progress towards the 17 UN Sustainable development goals while having a blast playing football.
Anyone can enter! Get your friends, colleagues, study group or team mates, and join the community of Global Goals World Cup alumni and supporters who already count over 1000 women from five continents. Share ideas and be inspired on how to take action for the world we want.  

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ggwcupGGWCup UEA 2018
Dubai Tournament Announced with Strong Partners

A Dream becomes reality
The idea of a tournament in the UAE was first born in 2016 at the Global Compact Leaders Summit in New York. Now it is becoming a reality thanks to our strong local and global partners. This time, Eir Soccer is teaming up with the Dubai-headquartered sustainability knowledge center Sustainable Mindz,

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ggwcupGGWCup UEA 2018
Press release: Annie Lennox and HRH Crown Princess Mary to Nominate last two SDG 5 (Gender Equality) Dream Team Players.

Artist and activist Annie Lennox and Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark will be the ones to announce the last two players on the SDG 5 (Gender Equality) Dream Team ahead of the 2nd Global Goals, five - a – side soccer World Cup Final.

Today (Sept 18th) Annie Lennox announces her choice of player: Muzoon Almellehan, a Syrian refugee and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

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Opening Doors for At-Risk Youth in New York City

Meet Team Saturday Night Lights.
Playing for goal # 10: Reduced Inequalities

The times when teens or at-risk youths are most likely to get involved with crime is on the weekends. These soccer programs therefore run every Friday and Saturday evenings, turning on lights in gyms and soccer fields at times they are ordinarily closed. Hence their name: “Saturday Night Lights.”

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