Team Yellow Ladies
GGWCup NYC Finals 2019 Qualifier
Team Yellow Ladies
Global Goal 3 - Good health & well-being
Health Comes First
Team Yellow Ladies are a kickass group from the Czech Post. This team believes we should protect our health, because we have only one life.
They will be promoting breast and skin cancer prevention programs and representing Goal 3 - Good health and well-being.
The Breast Cancer Prevention Program and slogan “THINK OF PREVENTION” have since 2014 reached ️25,000 workers.
I have been working for Česká pošta for six years as a post office administrator. Basically, that means I have to do everything that is done at the post office and be ready to go where it´s needed. Having sports as a hobby helps me a lot in my job, of course football is my first priority, but I also like cycling. We will be playing for SDG 3 – Good Health and wellbeing. Our motto is “Think of Prevention” and I hope that our Yellow Ladies team will make a good score with it. – Markéta Pázlerová
This is how the Team will take action for their goal
30,000 employees work at the Czech Post. Of these, 75% are women.
“Any of them could become a part our team. All employees also had the opportunity to vote for our team's goal. Of course, SDG 3 has won it - good health and quality of life. Our Global Goals Word Cup events, whether for the company or for the public, will focus on promoting our preventive health programs to prevent breast and skin cancer. The Breast Cancer Prevention Program was launched in 2014 and it was addressed to 25,000 female employees. In the last three years, Czech Post has also been a partner of the public event called The Tent Against Melanoma and we have organized seven preventive events throughout the country. During the three years, we have made skin examinations for 17,810 people, including 4,700 of our employees and their loved ones. A total of 156 dangerous melanomas were detected.”
Learn more about the team and their advocacy leading up to GGWCup Prague.
Instagram story with player, supporter, scientists, and Minister of Health of the Czezh Republic Adam Vojtech:
The Yellows Ladies have fans all over the Czech Republic
Greeting from the supporters. See the video
“Přesně za týden se naše pošťácké kolegyně z týmu YELLOW LADIES utkají v New Yorku s ostatními soupeři v rámci akce GGWC. Všichni fanoušci s nimi ale odletět nemohou, tak jim poslali alespoň pozdravy a povzbudivá slova! Budeme držet palce! :)”
“Exactly in a week, our postal colleagues from the YELLOW LADIES team will compete with each other in the GGWCup event in New York. But not all fans can fly away with them, so they sent them greetings and encouraging words! We will keep our fingers crossed! :)”