Team: The Same
The Same
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Team The Same is comprised of girls from children's homes and circus caravans. They will be playing for children and young people from children's homes for them to know that their dreams can come true
The team’s coach, Tereza Kramlova, grew up in a nomadic family, often coming across prejudice, so she was inspired to fight the ignorance and cruelty and now works in an endowment fund which helps children in children’s home facing similar situations.
The team players are: Tereza Kramlová, Michaela Suchá, Michaela Mrázková, Marie Horváthová, Dana Lišková, Fabiána Bytyqi, and Barbora Votíková.
“We want to tell everyone that it doesn’t matter who your parents are. What matters is who you decide to be. ”
Photo of Tereza and Veronika with Ole Frijs-Madsen, ambassador of Embassy of Denmark in Czechia and Lucie Madlova, founder and director of Association of Social Responsibility and Veronika Kasakova, Fabiana Bytiyqi and Bara Votikova.
How will the team take action for their Goal?
“We declared the day of equality to inform the public about our goal and to start talking about this subject in the company, the whole board of well-known personalities took part.”
Together with Veronika Kašáková, model and founder of her endowment fund, we will go to a children's home to have a discussion.
We will engage all children´s homes in the Czech Republic in making their mascot.
Team The Same will also be joining us at GGWCup Prague on May 29th!
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Team The Same
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