Team: Heart Throbs
Global Goal 3 - Good Health & Well-being
Team Heart Throbs wants to promote female participation in sport
Amina Moustafa is one of our EU ambassador coaches selected as part of our overall project GGWCup Europe. She is the Project Coordinator of Irish NGO, Sports Against Racism and coordinates their '“Hijabs and Hat-Tricks” programme.
Amina has been involved in Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) for 4 years. She first joined as a participant in their ‘Hijabs and Hat-Tricks’ programme and became a Youth Leader and the Project Coordinator of that project 3 years later.
This programme provided them with workshops and various opportunities to grow personally, professionally and as coaches. Amina was given the opportunity to attend Erasmus+ training courses abroad and speak about topics she is passionate about on radio, tv and at events.
Amina is one of the EU Ambassador Coaches selected as part of our overall project GGWCup Europe. Learn more about the special EramusPlus project here and read more about Amina here.
Team Heart Throbs will be playing for Goal 3 - Good Health & Well-Being
“I feel sport can be used to unite people despite their differences even when a common language isn’t shared.”
How will the team take action for their Goal?
The majority of the women on the team are from the Irish Homeless Street Leagues and have been affected by either alcohol or drug addiction, homelessness, criminality, or have been in the asylum process. The goals we chose to set are two-fold: a personal goal and a community goal. One of our main aims for our personal goal was self-improvement and personal development focusing on Goal 3, good health and well-being. You can’t help others if you are in bad health. Looking after yourself can have a broader impact and influence the people around you. Looking at this goal, each person took a personal goal that they would focus on towards improving their health.
We posted about our activities and the global goals on our facebook page but focused on things we could add to our daily routine. The specific personal goals included things like allocating ‘me-time’ to destress, choosing healthy options during meals, reducing tobacco intake, drinking more water, going to the gym atleast 4 times a week. The community goals included raising awareness about the Global Goals and behavioural changes amoung the local community. We took turns bringing the ball with us to different places such as to work, coaching sessions, the gym, local events to encourage dialogue around the SDGs. We aimed to impact our local community including our family, for example some of our players have children so they got their kids to help them make healthy meals. We encouraged our friends to play football with us during our trainings or whenever we were exercising. Some of the girls who already had garda clearance with clubs did some coaching encouraging physical literacy among the children especially the girls
For our weekly training sessions we advertised it online and told our friends to come along. They also helped us advertise with anyone that was interested. Some days more than half our training would be people from outside of our team.
The coaching activities we did involved various children of all different ages. At the Youth Summit, there were more than 300 young people. All the children in schools had access to the fruit and there are more than 500 students in the school.
The main people our actions affected were our friends and family but also our social network and anyone that is following our social media platforms. A number of our actions were simple steps that anyone can take, when we were sharing it we were encouraging our friends to join us. Small actions done by many can make a large impact.
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Heart Throbs
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