

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

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Selección Medellín Viconde


GGWCUP Colombia 2023

Selección Medellín Viconde plays for Global Goal 3 Good Health & Well-being

Why is this Global Goal Important to the team?

Nuestros compromisos con el deporte nos permiten ofrecer salud y bienestar para las personas.

Our commitment to sports allows us to offer health and wellness for the people.

Goal How will the Team take action for the Goal?

Evento deportivos en la ciudad.

The realization of sports events in the city.

How will the Team measure impact and reach?

Las acciones son nuestros eventos deportivos por toda la ciudad , universidades, barriales, empresarial.

The actions are the realization of sports events throughout the city, universities, neighborhoods, and businesses.

How will the Team know your success?

Mejorando la salud de las personas involucradas, llevando control al ingreso y al culminar el proyecto.

Improving the health of the people involved, carrying out control at the entrance and at the end of the project.

Cheer for the team. Leave a comment

Cheer for the team and their campaign as a countdown for the GGWCUP Colombia 2023.