

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

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GGWCUP Colombia 2023

CICATRIZA2 plays for Global Goal 3 Good Health & Well-being

Why is this Global Goal Important to the team?

Mejorar la calidad de vida de personas con trasplante de órganos sólidos y médula ósea disminuyendo los efectos secundarios de los medicamentos inmunosupresores y el riesgo cardiovascular.

We want to improve the quality of life for people with solid organ and bone marrow transplants by reducing the side effects of immunosuppressive medications and cardiovascular risk.

Goal How will the Team take action for the Goal?

Promovemos la actividad fisica y el deporte antes y después del trasplante.

We promote physical activity and sports before and after transplantation.

How will the Team measure impact and reach?

Número de personas inscritas en nuestros programas de actividad física y deporte.

Number of people registered in our physical and sport programs.

How will the Team know your success?

Encuesta de satisfacción, y disminución de eventos como enfermedades infecciosas y hospitalizaciones después del trasplante.

Satisfaction survey, and reduction of events such as infectious diseases and hospitalizations after transplantation.

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Cheer for the team and their campaign as a countdown for the GGWCUP Colombia 2023.