

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

Cantera GIRLS Sumapaz


GGWCUP Colombia 2023

Cantera GIRLS Sumapaz plays for Global Goal 5 Gender Equality

Why is this Global Goal Important to the team?

El ODS que elegimos igualdad de género se identifica con el objetivo social de nuestra organización ya que por medio de esta, queremos empoderar a la mujeres adultas, jóvenes y niñas a través del deporte para que puedan lograr su máximo desarrollo personal y deportivo así lograr el desarrollo integral de cada una de ellas.

The SDG that we chose is gender equality because it identifies with the social objective of our organization. Through it, we want to empower adult women, young people and girls through sport so that they can achieve their maximum personal and sporting development thus achieving the integral development of each of them.

Goal How will the Team take action for the Goal?

Queremos llegar a la parte urbana y rural y allí llevar a cabo eventos deportivos, charlas, talleres dónde las mujeres puedan empoderarse en su parte deportiva y personal y poder generar impacto.

We want to reach the urban and rural areas and create sporting events, talks, and workshops where women can empower themselves in their sporting and personal skills and be able to generate impact.

How will the Team measure impact and reach?

Vamos a medir nuestras acciones por medio de número mujeres participantes de los torneos realizados, número de asistentes a la charlas y talleres. También alcance en redes sociales.

We are going to measure our actions through the number of women participating in the tournaments held, and the number of attendees at the talks and workshops. Also, the reach of our publications on social media.

How will the Team know your success?

A través de la evaluación de las acciones y el impacto con el nuestro objetivo en cada una de ellas al finalizar las actividades.

Through the evaluation of the actions and the impact of our objective in each of them at the end of the activities.

Cheer for the team. Leave a comment

Cheer for the team and their campaign as a countdown for the GGWCUP Colombia 2023.