Team: Angels
Global Goal 4: Quality Education
Team Angels from Montessori školy Andílek - mateřská škola a základní škola o.p.s. will play for Global Goal 4: Quality Education
Team Angels consists of strong young women from the Montessori Angel Schools in Prague. Their mission is to guide children on their way through the educational process that is consistent with the children’s developmental needs in a respecting environment. Their Angel is a symbol of joy, innocence and determination to protect life values. We pass onto the children the values for which we play this football cup: we are citizens of the world, we treat each other with respect and trust, we believe in freedom and independence of each human being. We take responsibility for our actions. We are creative and flexible and we love our work and teaching.
“We are ready to spread our vision to the whole world and connect others to follow their mission. We will put our hearts into the game keeping in mind love for children and their work.”
How will the team take action for their Goal?
We will prepare a project based on the Global Goals for the children.
We will discuss ways how we, as a school, can support Global Goals.
We will brainstorm ideas what we can do personally to fulfill the GGs and we will help the children identify what is their role in the world. We will focus on education for peace and we work with children from their birth until adulthood.