Team Soccer Without Boundaries / فريق كرة القدم بلا حدود
GGWCUP Jordan 2021
Team Soccer without Boundaries play for Goal 3 to promote a balanced mind, body, and soul!
We are a group of women that love football and believe in the power of sport to bring about change. We will play for Good Health and Well-Being because it has a great impact on individuals and community.
What we eat, how much we move and the air we breathe has a direct impact on our lives and affects our prosperity and progress. Proper nutrition, drinking enough water, avoiding smoking, exercising, meditation and enough sleep are all factors that do not only keep the individual's body healthy, but also keeps us happier, and promotes a healthy mind.
فريق كرة القدم بدون حدود سوف يلعب للهدف 3 - الصحة الجيدة والرفاه لتعزيز العقل والجسم والروح المتوازن
نحن مجموعة من النساء يعشقن كرة القدم ونؤمن بقوة الرياضة في إحداث التغيير. سنلعب من أجل الصحة الجيدة والرفاه لأنه له تأثير كبير على الأفراد والمجتمع .كل شي يتحرك إذاً له روح يتفاعل في هذه الأرض ويشاركنا هذه الحياة من ماء وهواء وطعام ... التغذية السليمة وشرب الماء والابتعاد عن التدخين وممارسة الرياضة والتأمل والنوم الجيد كل هذه الاشياء لا تحافظ فقط على جسم صحي وقوام متناسق بل أيضا تزيد من هرمون السعاده في جسم الفرد
“هو أن الرياضة للجميع ولكلا الجنسين وجميع الأعمار، وأن الرياضة أيضا للممارسة وليست فقط للمتابعة
Sport is for everyone, for both genders, for all ages. Sport is for practicing and playing, not just for watching.”
This is how the Team will take action for their Goal
The team will design and distribute brochures to raise sufficient awareness of the importance of good health for both genders and all ages and will be distributed in universities and shopping malls.
We will carry out informational and informational sessions on healthy living practises in schools, orphanages, community and recreational centers, and during existing cultural and sports activities.
We will visit schools and talk about affordable natural products.
We will visit dermatologists and cosmetologists to talk about their goals and ask them to help raise awareness on natural products instead of chemical products.
We will distribute healthy meals to individuals and students at said sessions and activities to demonstrate what a healthy meal contains.
All the above activities will be held in both Jordan and Kuwait.
We will collaborate with professional athletes and certified nutritionists to help disseminate a healthy living message to the largest number of people.
We will interview said athletes and nutritionists and create informational videos to post and share on our social media accounts.
هذه هي الطريقة التي سيعمل بها الفريق لتحقيق هدفهم
سوف يقوم الفريق بعمل برشورات توعوية تهدف الي الالمام الكافي بأهمية الصحة الجيده لكلا الجنسين وجميع الاعمار ويتم توزيعها في الجامعات والمولات
ايضا سوف يكون هنالك زيارة الي المدراس الخاصه بالايتام وممارسة النشاطات الترويحية والصحيه والثقافية وتوزيع وجبات صحيةوهذه الفعاليات سوف تقام في الكويت والاردن
سنقوم بقياس اثرنا عن طريق عمل مقابلات مع لاعبين محترفين وافراد رياضيون واخصائين تغذية معتمدين للتوصيل الرسالة للأكبر عدد من الناس وسوف نقوم بتصوير هذه المقابلات والفيديوهات ونشرها على حساباتن
The Team's physical activities and uniform
Team met and played football more than 5 times, engaged people (on social media) and did 10 face-to-face activities to promote your team’s Global Goal.
We are meeting Prs.Ghazi's office Manager this week to discuss the possibility of enhancing the healthcare for people from Gaza who live in Camps in Jordan, such as Jerash(Gaza) Camp by activating quick urgent medical exemptions for urgent life-threatening cases.
Our uniform represents the idea of combating coronavirus (our hat) through the cooperative efforts of both healthcare staff (doctors and nurses), and our government and army (represented in our army printed shorts). Our hats are recycled damaged soccer balls. And our wings are upcycled old pieces of cloths.
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