Jordanian team ‘Leaf A Mark’ wins the first GGWCUP Finals in Iceland after the 2020-lockdown
Press release
Copenhagen, Denmark, November 24, 2021
The Global Goals World Cup Finals 2021 was the first Finals hosted outside New York City
The GGWCUP was officially opened by First Lady Eliza Reid of Iceland
The winning team will carry on their actions for the Global Goal 15: Life On Land
GGWCUP country hosts joined the Finals from India, Denmark, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Colombia.
GGWCUP / EIR was awarded with the Power, Together Award from Women Political Leaders.
Team Leaf A Mark and Team KAFO. See all pictures from the GGWCUP Finals Iceland 2021.
On November 8-10, 2021 the 6th GGWCUP Finals took place in Reykjavik, Iceland alongside the Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders 2021.
Since 2016 EIR has hosted the signature Finals in New York City during the UN General Assembly Week and the Global Goals Week. This year was the first time the Finals were hosted in a new location.
Together with Icelandic country host Young Professional Women in Iceland (UAK), EIR invited the overall champions from Jordan and Saudi Arabia to champion the Icelandic civic society, the arts world, local and global politician and Icelandic female players and share what they all are fighting for and how women best possible can support each other and create more space for girls and women on and off the field.
Team Leaf A Mark are leaving a green mark on the world. Their mission is to raise awareness about Global Goal 15 Life On Land and change the 1% green in Jordan by planting 1 million trees by 2030. The team started their action campaign leading up to the GGWCUP Jordan already back in 2019. The team’s following is also growing, and the team is supported by Cairo Amman Bank. See the team presentation here.
“The GGWCUP in Jordan sparked our effort to combine our love of nature and our passion for the game. We came together, in all our diversities. We won our tournament but most importantly, we got more people involved in building a greener Jordan AND gaining the love of sports,” says Randa from Team Leaf a Mark, Jordan.
Also a big congratulations to:
Team KAFO, Runners-up – Global Goal 3 (Overall Champions from Sadui Arabia)
Team Futura, Action Champion – Global Goal 17 (team of GGWCUP country hosts from Colombia, denmark, Norway and India)
Team Feminists United, Style Champion – Global Goal 5 (representing the Icelandic feministic movements)
Team FC Mosi, Crowd Champion - Global Goal 12 (representing the arts world)
Team Hasbeens FC, Football Champion – Global Goal 3 (former professional Icelandic football players)
See all teams on the event page.
Women who play in the GGWCUP seize that moment of being in the spotlight to highlight a UN Sustainable Development Global Goal. Through their engagement they are seen and celebrated as role models nationally and globally. They are highlighting the benefits of finding their ways of engaging in sports and encouraging positive change.
On the final day of the GGWCUP Finals scheduled program the Reykjavík Global Forum – Women Leaders 2021 recognises the importance of EIR’s global work with the ‘Power, Together Award’.
“On behalf of the more than 5.000 women, our partners and country hosts fueling the growing Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) movement I’m honored to accept this award. It recognizes the efforts taken and the challenges overcome to break down barriers on the playing field,” – says Majken Gilmartin, Co-founder of the GGWCUP.
More information and pictures can be found on, including the upcoming GGWCUP tour and more about the importance of closing the Play Gap.
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About EIR
EIR is the non-profit organisation that runs the Global Goals World Cup (GGWCUP) and four other programs. Each program activates the groundbreaking potential of sports and play with purpose. More details and deck.