

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.


Dear friends,

Eventhough the global situation has denied us our signature GGWCUP and forced us to postpone eight out of nine tournaments to 2021, the love and support for our tournament and idea has not dampened.

This fall we have added countries to the tourplan, and in 2021/22 we are hosting tournaments in: Jordan, the Czech Republic, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Denmark, Colombia, India and Mexico. Not all tournaments are open for team sign ups yet.

It is through your work and monetary contributions that we are able to sustain and keep the dream alive. Your purchase of our #SDGball is raising funds to support our work to enhance the GGWCUP, develop school projects and keep advocating for the Goals.

We wish for a safer 2021-22.

- Majken & Marie

I #taketheball because ...

From tomorrow, we will support a #taketheball campaign initiated by the Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. She will take the ball and challenge us all to speak up for the Global Goals. In a video she will say:

I take the ball
because I am deeply worried!
People are suffering from the pandemic and its consequences
This makes our work for a better world even more difficult
And the global goals even more important
They are still our best solution for a brighter future for all
(We must all contribute in our own way)
I will especially work to clean up oceans and give girls access to education (individual messages here).....
What will you do?
Take the ball
Let’s hit the goals together

It’s an important and playful football relay where everyone’s contribution counts.


Make a statement

Here are three suggestions to how you can help keep the ball rolling:

  1. I #taketheball for #ClimateAction, because I am deeply worried! The #globalgoals are the best solution for a brighter future for all. Catch!

  2. It’s time to #taketheball for the #GlobalGoals! Join my #ggwcup team and let's play for the world we want. Catch!

  3. I #taketheball for #GenderEquality, because change is on the roll all over the world, and the world needs us to step forward. Will you join me?

Use any picture you have from a tournament, a new picture/video, or pick one from our photo albums incl. a @ggwcup. We have made a little selection here.

CLASS OF 2030 incl. new school tournament

Ole Almeborg A:S donated footballs and beach volleyballs to a school on Bornholm, Denmark.jpg

On October 21, together with Danish partners and The World's Best News, we launched the first national SDG school platform in Denmark. We are developing material for PE classes, we call it CLASS OF 2030.

The GGWCUP School Tournament will launch in 2021 in schools in Fredensborg kommune, Denmark. It will be the original GGWCUP mixed with a multidisciplinary UN theme course (learning, activism, sport, and action) for the school's 8 graders.

Are you interested in learning more about the new tournament and opportunities? Reach out directly to Majken.

Thank you so much for the support of GGWCUP

This holiday, shipping carriers have forecasted record demand and delays for home delivery orders. We want you to encourage you to start your holiday shopping early this year to avoid rush.