Team Works
GGWCUP Nigeria 2023
Team Works plays for Decent Work & Economic Growth
Global Goal 8 is important to us because unemployment in Nigeria has been a major problem since the early 90's.
Nigeria, with the most robust economy in Africa, in 2019 reported an overall unemployment rate of 25%, with an additional 20% of her 186 million people being underemployed.
This situation is even worse off for young Nigerians, as the unemployment rate for people between the ages of 15 and 35 hit 55.4% in 2019.
“Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
This is how the Team will take action for their Goal
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
To battle this problem in our own way, the team is involved in a number of skill acquisition programs for Nigerians. We believe this way, we are giving people the chance to make for themselves what they desire by equipping them with necessary skills to do so.
Currently, we are volunteering with a team member who is organizing a free skill acquisition program for the women in low-income areas to provide them with skills that will help them generate income for themselves and their families. This is aimed to create decent work and in the long run economic growth by teaching them skills to generate income. Work grows the economy and in this way, these women become wealth creators.
This is how the Team will measure their impact
Business creation: The number of businesses or actions taken by members after the skill acquisition project helps us in measuring success.
We have over 200 followers on social media.
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Cheer for the team and their campaign as a countdown for the GGWCUP Nigeria: