Team: Sustainable Heros
Global Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Team Sustainable Heroes is engineering a sustainable tomorrow
The Sustainable Heros represent Danfoss in the Global Goal World Cup because in their daily work sustainability and the global goals are a natural part of engineering tomorrow. They want to tell the world that we can make it if we work together for a common goal.
“In our daily work sustainability and the Global Goals are a natural part of engineering tomorrow. If we, as companies, work to melt the global goals together with our strategies for the common good of owners, employees and the surrounding society, we are on the right path in our efforts to achieve the goals by 2030 with solutions to most of the global challenges that the global goals address.”
Danfoss has been a participant of the UN Global Compact since 2002. Through their sustainability efforts, they comply with the ten principles of the Compact – which covers human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption. They continue to support the Global Compact as a governing principle in our sustainability efforts and are actively engaged in national Global Compact networks. - and deliver on many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Read more here.
How will the team take action for their Goal?
Through their daily work with district heating, cooling systems and overall passion. Danfoss also sponsored the travel of one of our GGWCup European Teams so they could attend the tournament!
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Sustainable Heroes
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