Team: Ladies In Red
Global Goal 3 - Good Health & Well-Being
Team Ladies In Red want to make the invisible wounds visible.
Team Ladies in Red is a group from The Danish Red Cross fighting for Goal 3: Health and Well-Being. They want to raise awareness about the mental health consequences of humanitarian emergencies and reduce the stigma surrounding mental disorders - by promoting the issue on social media and other platforms. Sharing lived experiences and creating a narrative will help to kill the silence surrounding the issue of mental health.
“People affected by war and people forced to flee their homes are not only fighting to survive physical wounds, but mental wounds as well.”
How will the team take action for their Goal?
We want to raise awareness about the mental health consequences of humanitarian emergencies by promoting the issue on social media and other platforms.
We want to make the invisible wounds visible - by using words, creating a narrative around the issue and share lived experiences.
We want to reduce the stigma surrounding mental disorders - by sharing personal stories and kill the silence.
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Ladies In Red
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