Team Jazan United - GGWCUP KSA 2022 — Global Goals World Cup



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Team Jazan United


GGWCUP Saudi Arabia 2022

Jazan United plays for Global Goal 3 Good Health and Well-being

فريق جازان يونايتد تأسس هذا العام 2022 وتحديدا بداية شهر مارس اخترنا الهدف 3 لانه من خلاله نستطيع التمتع بصحه جيده وخلق حياة الرفاهيه في كرة القدملقدم

We are the Jazan United team the team was established this year 2022, specifically the beginning of March. We chose the SDG 3, because through this goal we can enjoy good health and create a life of well being in football.

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