

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

These are our Stars!

We are starting a new tradition at GGWCUP. Over the next months building up to the fall tournaments in New York and Bangkok, we want everyone to get a whole lot better acquainted with the brilliant women who make GGWCUP what it is: The fierce and passionate players, who continue to make our day -every day! 

So, if you have played in a GGWCUP event or are planning to play, tell us who you are: Post a picture of you/your team in your most wacky/cool/favorite soccer outfit, and answer the same questions as Prischillah. Post on facebook or on Instagram and tag #ggwcup, then you will show up in our homepage feed. 

Today: Meet Priscilla Ngunju from Amref Health Africa , who played on the Mamas United team in Nairobi in March. 

#TellUsWhoYouAre #ggwcup Wangui and Prischillah in Nairobi

#TellUsWhoYouAre #ggwcup Wangui and Prischillah in Nairobi