

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

Alareej (Kuwait)


GGWCUP KSA Finals 2024

Alareej plays for Global Goal 16 Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

A team affiliated with a health sports awareness program called “Areej Winter for Smart Running” in January 2023.

During which a women's football team was launched, and other community sports teams will be formed in this style. “Peace and Justice” Goal 16 is one of the global sustainable development goals to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, encourage the establishment of societies in which no one is marginalized, achieve sustainable development, and build healthy and sports community institutions.

The team slogan is: Peace, Justice and sport for all.

Instagram @pas_kwt

فريق متفرع من برنامج توعوي رياضي صحي يسمى"الاريج الشتوي للجري الذكي" يناير2023ومن

خلاله انطلق فريق كرة قدم نسائي وسيتم تشكيل فرق رياضيه مجتمعية اخرى على هذا النمط. "السلام والعدل" الهدف 16 هو أحد اهداف التنمية المستدامة العالمية لتحقيق مستقبل أفضل وأكثر استدامه للجميع وتشجيع على إقامة مجتمعات لا يهمش فيها أحد وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة وبناء مؤسسات مجتمعية صحيه رياضية.