We are proud to add another star as we welcome Katja Iversen to our advisory board.
January 5, 2021.
Katja Iversen is an executive advisor, author and leading global advocate for gender equality and the health, rights and leadership of girls and women.
Photo © Stine Heilmann.
Katja Iversen sits UNILEVER’s Sustainability Advisory Council, is an advisor to Global Health 50/50 and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King's College, as well as a sought facilitator and speaker.
Previously she has been President/CEO of Women Deliver, a member of President Macron’s and Prime Minister Trudeau’s G7 Gender Equality Councils, an advisor to the Clinton Global Initiative, and a member of MIT Solve’s Women and Tech Leadership Group.
Earlier in her career, she counseled and trained Fortune 500 executives on cross-cultural management, just as she has worked at the UN, including UNICEF and UNFPA.
Katja Iversen was recently named Dane of the Year and included in Apolitical’s Top 20 of Most Influential People in Gender Policy. In 2018 she published the Danish book 'Kvinde Kend Dit Netvaerk' about women and networking. It will be out in English shortly.
She holds a master’s degree in communications, bachelor's degree in public administration and certificates in management, conflict resolution, and international development.