Greens football training w/ Maram, Lujain & Roaa
This is the GGWCUP Clubhouse first training series in Arabic. Maram Adel Albutairi and Lujain MohammadAli Kashgari will be your coaches and help you prepare to play in a Global Goals World Cup and advance your skills.
Maram, Roaa and Lujain are C-license certified coaches and Saudi Greens team members.
We will do: warm-up, body strengthening exercises followed by ball drills focused on ball control, and cool down.
Greens Football Training #10: United, we create the goal متحدين نصنع الهدف
Global Goals 17 Partnership For The Goals.
Global Goals 15 life On Land.
Green baller اللاعب الاخضر
The search of stamina and power البحث عن اللياقة والقوة
This training session will cover the fitness and strength exercises that ever footballer needs to do to achieve higher results, and explain how these kind of exercises help us avoid injuries and what to do in case of injuries.
Global Goal 14 Life Below Wat
Greens Football Training #7: Because I’m cool لأني رهيبة
Global Goal 13 Climate Action.
تكي تاكا تمریر قصیر و سریع. أیوا حنتعلم حركات برشلونة!!!! و حنتعرف اكثر عن الھدف الحادي عشر وھو مدن و مجتمعات محلیة مستدامة، كیف نبني و ندیرالمدن و المباني الجدیدة في العالم النامي؟
This is a passing and receiving session. We will explain about Tiki Taka concept and how it took Barcelona FC to far places. We will also talk about Global Goal 11 and how we can build and manage new modern cities in the 4th revolution era. Warm-up, body strengthening exercises followed by ball drills focused on ball control, and cool down.
Greens Football Training #5: I’m a player انا لاعبة
Global Goal 8 Decent Work & Economic Growth.
Greens Football Training #4: Pursue your dreams with talent الحق حلمك بمهارة
نفسك تكون سریع في الملعب؟ تخطف الكورة و تجري فیھا؟ حنتعلم كیف نتدرب عالسرعة و خفة الحركة مع دحرجة الكرة باتجاھات مختلفة. حنتكلم عن الھدف التاسع ھو الصناعة و الابتكار و الھیاكل الأساسیة و كیف نقدر نوظف قدراتنا لخدمة المجتمع من خلال ھذا الھدف.
Would you like to be one of the fastest players? You can train for that, this session is about speed and agility as well as ball dribbling. We will touch base on Global Goal 9 Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure.
Greens Football Training series will help you prepare to play in a Global Goals World Cup and advance your skills and ball control. Today Lujain will be your coach.
We will do: warm-up, body strengthening exercises followed by ball drills focused on ball control, and cool down.
Greens Football Training #3: Remember your water تذكر المويه
Global Goal 6 Clean Water & Sanitation.
#2; Football fundamentals ابجديات الساحرة المستديرة
نتعلم مع بعض أساسیات كرة القدم والمھارات المطلوبة في لاعب كرة القدم الممیز. تطبیق عملي لتمارین الإحساس بالكرة مع شرح مفصل للفورم الصحیح للتمارین. حنتكلم عن الھدف لرابع ھو التعلیم الجید وكیف نقدر نخدم المجتمع عن طریق التعلیم. All sessions will start will warm ups and end with cool down. In this session will learn the 101 fundamentals of football and the basic skills needed in a footballer. we will be practicing some of the common ball touching exercises and will explain the right formation for different strengthening exercises.
Global Goal 4 Quality Education.
#1: Healthy baller لاعب كرة صحي
Global Goal 3 Good Health & Well-being.