There are tons of amazing people doing incredibly vital work right now. It is beautiful to see so much kindness and generosity coming from all parts of the world. In our network we see it through the many women helping to build the Clubhouse and share their expertise and talents with everyone. This is all in the belief of togetherness. We see it when talking to partners.

The Danish fashion brand GANNI has been a colorfull partner of the GGWCUP movement since the beginning. Now, we team up to reach out to the women across Denmark, United Kingdom and the United States that are feeling the COVID-crisis more heavily and give them a feeling of connection.

GANNI has donated hundreds of GANNI Care Packages with accessories to brighten up the days of uncertainty and make the women, that will receive the packages, feel appreciated and not alone.

Team GANNI Girls has been participating in the GGWCUP more than a handfuld of time and always for Global Goal 5 Gender Equality. Last time in May 2019 in Copenhagen at the GGWCUP Europe.

If you are interested in receiving care packages from GGWCUP & GANNI - or know an organisation - please share all relevant contact informations and we’ll handle the rest. 

You can share the information with Majken Gilmartin. Thank you.

About GANNI: As a fashion brand for women, by women, GANNI was founded with a clear mission: to make women feel confident in their own skin. Female empowerment and gender equality is one of GANNI’s core values and part of our DNA. The Creative Director and co-founder Ditte Reffstrup has always loved the community and equality that teamsports facilitates. Ditte has been an avid football player ever since she was a kid. So supporting gender equality through sports is a project that sits very close to Ditte’s heart.