Bulletin board
There are tons of amazing people doing incredibly vital work right now. It is beautiful to see so much kindness and generosity coming from all parts of the world.
In our network we see it through the many women helping to build the Clubhouse and share their expertise and talents with everyone. This is all in the belief of togetherness.
We wish to share as much as we can with you - and we'll keep an eye out for your thoughts and ideas. Please share them below.
Every #GGWCUP team play for the #GlobalGoals. So far 550 teams and 4,400 women have collectively reached 1.1M with the message: We are #StrongerTogether.
Good reads and listens
Anti-racism Resources “This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now. Feel free to circulate this document on social media and with your friends, family, and colleagues.”
Running, Racism, and the Call to LISTEN by Meredith Atwood (May 19, 2020)
Dear leaders - open letter to the leaders of the world from Global Citizen
Global Health Advocates - Humanity & Inclusion - The ONE Campaign - Management Sciences for Health - Pandemic Action Network - Project Everyone. May 25 2020.
Raised a Warrior: One Woman’s Soccer Odyssey by Susie Petruccelli (TW @Sooozie) grew up in a sports-mad, male-dominated family in California, fighting to find her own identity and path.
May The 4th Be With You: Summit Raises Landmark €7.4 Billion To Tackle COVID-19 by Global Citizen
Sport for Generation Equality: advancing gender equality in and through sport by UN Women
Pushing for equality for girls in the age of COVID-19 Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, CEO, Plan International
10 ways young people are leading the way against COVID-19 by Women Deliver
Sport and Physical Activity During COVID-19 by United Nations
Physical activity (the facts) by World Health Organisation (WHO) (the facts) by World Health Organisation (WHO)
We'll keep an eye out for your thoughts and ideas
This Clubhouse is everyones and built on the believe of togetherness that has powered the GGWCUP movement the last five years.
We would love to add a message from you, get your feedback and hear your ideas for a training series or talks or something we haven’t thought about yet. When we do it together, we will succeed.
If you have a message for the bulletin board and like to add a picture or graphic, feel free to share directly with Marie via email.