

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

Team announcements, player stories, playlists, the world best news and everything in between.

New week. New trainings. New perspectives

Newsletter June 5

Dear Teams and friends,

We use sport and movement to give rise to new horizons to create alternative and new opportunities. One of the fundamental things in the Global Goals World Cup is to make everyone feel and trust that they belong in the world. That also goes without saying to keep that trust within our own lives and in the world of sports.

We hope that you will find the time to join the new training series that offers us the opportunity to visit two worlds of football:

  • Please welcome Maram and Lujian to the coach team. They will do the first Arabic training series 'Greens Football training' on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • On Wednesdays Ella & Babett are inviting us to join Babetts pre-season training. Babett is preparing for the iconic first season of the first ever Real Madrid’s women’s team. It might be hard to follow, but try.

We are thankful to feel a strong togetherness with all of you.

- Lujian, Diana, Maram, Clara, Amina, Marisa, Babett, Ella, Jackie, Becca,

Marie & Majken

Greens football training in Arabic

Lujain and Maram will do this first GGWCUP Clubhouse football training series in Arabic.

They will help you prepare to play in a Global Goals World Cup and advance your skills. You will do: warm-up, body strengthening exercises followed by ball drills focused on ball control, and cool down.

Maram will kickstart the series this coming Tuesday at 12PM in NYC / 7PM in Riyadh. 


Real Madrid pre-season training

"It is fascinating to get a peak into a detailed planned training program. Detailed in the way of being able to see the in-depth look into the different scientific, mental, and physical prep that is needed to stay at the ‘top of the game’," – Ella Masar.  

Ella, who has been coaching from Madrid every Wednesday, and is now 7 months pregnant, will be taking us ‘behind the scenes’ of Babetts pre season training. They will be traveling to Babetts family in Germany and stay until Babett’s official training starts at the beginning of July.


Diana Yonah 

Diana is doing the Water Bottle Workout on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays live from her home in Nairobi, Kenya.

We will be working on our core strength, lower body strength and muscular endurance.

On Fridays Diana is doing a Dance edition: Water bottle dance-out.


Becca Todd 

Becca is doing the Brave trainings in English and in Spanish. You will learn how to manipulate the ball and be more confident on the pitch.

Becca is also doing the Global Goals Games trainings to empower educators to inspire the next generation to be active and activists about the Global Goals.

Becca is live from Chile.


Jackie Bachteler

Jackie is live from her home in Stockholm in Sweden. She is doing the Dance With The Ball (ball control) trainings.

Jackie is creating a new series that will teach your how to play 5v5. 


All Clubhouse talks and trainings are archived for you to use and revisit anytime you want to refresh your techniques, learn a new skill or meet online with your team.


PS: This coming Monday we will catch up with Team San Diego Soccer Women about how they take community action by everyday inviting women aga 18 to 80+ onto the playing fields. We will for sure also talk about the past weeks in the US, the new awareness and action for racial injustice.

Join us Monday at 12PM in NYC / 8PM in Copenhagen.