

The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

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The UNStoppables - Goal 17

The Unstoppables.jpg

The UNStoppables are a team of seven members from across three continents. Representing UN Global Compact UAE We chose SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals, since we believe that collaboration and partnerships are at the heart of achieving any goal, big or small. As students and aspiring entrepreneurs, we look forward to engaging student communities on university campuses across the UAE. We want to partner and collaborate with student bodies and startups at universities to adopt a sustainability as a practise and not just an idea to admire. The 7 UNStoppables will reach out to university students through awareness campaign on ground and on social media, highlighting why alone we will struggle but together we will be UNStoppable. @ungcuae


ggwcupSDG17, GGWCup UEA 2018