Global Goals World Cup



The latest from the fields of the Global Goals World Cup

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Danfoss climate Champions - Goal 13


Meet Tania, Betty, Mahshad, Amina, Eirini, Larisa, Cherry, Rim and Rosa who are playing for Danfoss supporting the Global Goal CLIMATE ACTION.
The fierce and strong ladies from Danfoss are from South Africa, Kenya, Iran, Morocco, Philippines, Tunisia, Syria, Greece and Russia, making for a very diverse and interesting team.

They have chosen Goal 13 as this cause is close to their hearts and something they work on everyday.
"In Danfoss, we say that we are Engineering Tomorrow. We do this by providing the latest innovative solutions and technologies in many different fields, also in Climate and Cooling.
Cooling is a big culprit when it comes to CO2 emissions and this is something we at Danfoss can do something about. Our products and solutions gives maximum energy efficiency and minimum waste, so we can reduce emissions into our environment."

fb: @danfosstma Twitter: @danfoss (Danfoss Group) , Instagram: @danfosscool


ggwcupSDG13, GGWCup UEA 2018